Why does my post are never posted?


WiiChat Member
Jan 25, 2009
When I post, my post await for a administrator to accept it, but they never are approved. So I may have 5-6 posts waiting approval. Can someone help?
For some reason the anti-spam software thinks you're a spammer. So it wants Mod approval for each post you make. I've approved all your previous posts, I can't see anything wrong with them. You may now be able to post freely [not completely sure though].
you are a computer, you make think you are human, but you are not. Your mother board thinks it's unsafe here so it won't allow you to post here. Sorry to tell you the news....
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For some reason the anti-spam software thinks you're a spammer. So it wants Mod approval for each post you make. I've approved all your previous posts, I can't see anything wrong with them. You may now be able to post freely [not completely sure though].

In fact, an answer I just posted to the DS forum require Mod approval again!

Thanks for helping

Not a spammer nor I'm a computer! :)
Hmmmm this is really odd. I can't see anything in the Mod CP that indicates you're on the anti-spam list. I'll keep having a look around. For the moment I'll approve all of your posts.
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Thanks Eagles.

Maybe to help you, it happen when the sites last had a downtime (2-3 days) then when it came back, my account was deleted, not not accessible anymore. So I created a new one, with the same name, but since that, I'm having this issue... May it be related? Not sure...

for your information, my last post was approved automatically!
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Sorry for posting again this is a test.

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