Pocket-lint reports today on growing rumours that Nintendo will be introducing its next console, which may or may not be called the Wii 2 (it’s all guesswork at the moment!) at this year’s E3, which will be held in Los Angeles from June 7. In particular, they quote website Zeldainformer.com, which says that it has heard from sources that E3 2011 will definitely be the launching stage for Nintendo’s next console. So, now it’s time to let the specifications speculation begin, just in case it might actually be true! According to Zeldainformer.com, their source is saying that the Wii 2 will be Blu-ray-enabled, with a quad-core processor, and an in-built projection unit, which means it will be able to project games onto a wall. Seems a bit strange, but you never know, it could be right! I’m not sure if they’re right about the specs, it’s a little too early to say right now, but I’m certainly getting the feeling that the Wii 2 will be coming soon rather than later, and it’s about time!