Wii controller question?


Wii Want PES!
Oct 26, 2006
Blackburn, UK
Wii Online Code
I have a question regarding the remotes to be used with the wii

Do you have to use the new wii movement sensetive controller



Can you use the gamecube controller or a new Wii controller where you press buttons and not move it about?


PS-Whats a Nanchuk??

lilsam said:
I have a question regarding the remotes to be used with the wii

Do you have to use the new wii movement sensetive controller



Can you use the gamecube controller or a new Wii controller where you press buttons and not move it about?


PS-Whats a Nanchuk??


the Nunchuk is the seperate controller with the analog stick
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but i am not getting the wii if I have to use that ridiculous controller

Dont fancy playin PES or Fifa etc moving my arms around like a maniac

Same for other games
i already said smash bros will

nothing has been confirmed, but theres a high probability that football games will use the gamecube controller, i dunno about animal crossing.
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cool, when you say Gamecuve controller do you also mean ''Classic Controller''?
lilsam said:

but i am not getting the wii if I have to use that ridiculous controller

Dont fancy playin PES or Fifa etc moving my arms around like a maniac

Same for other games
you don't have to move your arms as much as people do in trailers. Youm can just move your wrist if you want.
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MetroidZ said:
i don't think he meant it in that way. i don't fancy playing football with motion sensing either

yes, thats what I mean, I would like the option of using either


If I have mates over, for a laugh we could use motion sensor


If on my own, playing into the night and tired, I'd prefer to press buttons!!!

lilsam said:

but i am not getting the wii if I have to use that ridiculous controller

Dont fancy playin PES or Fifa etc moving my arms around like a maniac

Same for other games

Are you an idiot? Have you read nothing about the Wii? Don't make judgements about it without reading or watching anything.

You don't need to make huge movements. For instance, you CAN swing a sword around like crazy, but a minimal wrist movement will do fine.
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yer I know, but like I said I would love the choice

In a perfect world that would be the case .. .. .. .. .. ..
lilsam said:
thanks everyone

mmmm, i cant decide

wii or 360??
if you want more of that original style of gaming and probably the best online playing for a gaming console then i would go with the 360. Its also a beast size wize, be warned. Also if you care about graphics a whole lot...*shrugs*

if you want to try something new and want to play some older games with FREE online then i would go with the Wii. ITS TINY!!! Sleek and sexy too.:yesnod:

Its up to you though

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