Status: Idle

I swear this is what happens when the clock strikes midnight.
If you're familiar with my threads, you'd know how this all goes down.
I choose a topic that Wii-haters seem to love to use as ammo, and try to debunk all of it. It's usually accompanied with a one panel image like the one above.
Well not this time.
In order to... what do they call it? "Broaden my horizons," or something like that, I decided to make a thread about the Wii's faults.
Now don't get me wrong, I love the Wii. It's the best system I own, but I need to be as objective as possible, and if that means making a thread that goes against what I usually preach, so be it.
Now then.
1. Graphics
Now, the Wii's graphics aren't "bad". But in this day and age? The Xbox 360's graphics are utterly amazing. The PS3 hasn't even seen it's full potential. If you look at the Wii's graphics, you can't help but sigh.
Graphics aren't essential to a game, but you have to admit that they make the experience that much more enjoyable.
It saddens me that we will never see Wii graphics look like Bioshock or Mass Effect.
People claim that the we don't know the Wii's specifications. They often point to Super Mario Galaxy.
Galaxy didn't have amazing graphics. It did for the Wii, and it was very, VERY stylized and artistic, but the graphics weren't amazing. All it did was use lighting, textures, and effects in a clever way.
People often say that Super Mario Galaxy didn't push the Wii to it's full potential. These people are the same people who say we don't know the Wii's specs. So while the Wii's graphics might get better, they most likely won't reach 360 levels.
The 360 and PS3 are bigger in size for a reason.
Nintendo's online is terrible. It's as simple as that.
Some people say this is due to Nintendo's late entrance to online. True, while they need time to adjust, this doesn't change the fact that it's terrible.
It's also easy to say that it's due to the fact that it's free. Well, the PS3's online is free as well, and they have better online still.
Nintendo needs to shape up, take out friend codes, start adding voice-chat, and let people play together already. There's no excuse! Nintendo also acts blind to it as well, claiming people like the security of Friend Codes. Have you EVER heard ANYONE say 'I love friend-codes'. How about even 'I enjoy friend-codes'?
I'll give them one year, and if they don't have online by then, I'll lose all hope for any decent online from Nintendo.
3.Third-Party Support
Back in Nintendo's hay day, people would pay Nintendo to be able to develop a game for them! Not so much. This is evident in the onslaught of party games and lame, half-done, buggy ports.
Now, the Wii does have a bright future as far as third party support goes. Fragile, Monster Hunter 3, Sadness, No More Heroes, Disaster: Day Of Crisis, and the possibility of Call Of Duty 5 (IGN) being on Wii shows this.
But if these don't sell, big third-party devs won't see the Wii as anything more than a fad in which good games don't sell.
So not to many complaints here. But still, Nintendo should not leave the quality up to the developers and start cracking down on the ones trying to make a quick buck.
4.Raw Power
AI, Physics, On-Screen enemies, frame-rate, you name it. The Wii just isn't as powerful as it's competitors. This accounts for the $250 price tag. The Wii can do 'enough', but it's still a not as good as the PS360.
And you honestly can't tell me the Wii's power should have been improved. It COULD have been improved.
People point to Super Mario Galaxy for physics. While that's true, the only reason Super Mario Galaxy can pull that off is because of it's almost none existent AI.
That's all I have right now. I'll post more as I see fit or as it crosses my mind.
Oh, and one other thing.