wii memory


WiiChat Member
Oct 9, 2006
Wii world
hi guys
i have just downloaded LOZ majoras mask & i have had to delete or move most stuff on my wii memory to be able to play it as it needs 158 blocks to play & 3 blocks for saving.
my question is can you get a memory upgrade for the wii or do i just have to keep shuffling stuff around to play it?
That's what the SD slot is for, and with the recent update it is actually useful.

Get an SDHC card (you can still use regular SD, but SDHC allows for larger card sizes up to 32GB as well as faster read/write speeds). Update your Wii.

You can now store your WiiWare and Virtual Console games on the SD card and launch them from the new SD menu (you can select to download them directly to the card when you purchase them, instead of saving them to the internal memory and then copying them over). Note that you will still need to leave some free space on the internal memory since the games are not played directly off the card, they are first copied to the internal memory and then launched.
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That's what the SD slot is for, and with the recent update it is actually useful.

Get an SDHC card (you can still use regular SD, but SDHC allows for larger card sizes up to 32GB as well as faster read/write speeds). Update your Wii.

You can now store your WiiWare and Virtual Console games on the SD card and launch them from the new SD menu (you can select to download them directly to the card when you purchase them, instead of saving them to the internal memory and then copying them over). Note that you will still need to leave some free space on the internal memory since the games are not played directly off the card, they are first copied to the internal memory and then launched.

Exactly what I'd have said.

Check out some online retailers like newegg or tigerdirect. I know newegg sells SD and SDHC for dirt cheap compared to Best Buy, walmart, etc. with fast shipping. I recently bought a 4GB SDHC card for about $11.00 after shipping, delivered within 3 days.
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i already have a SD card in & that's where i have it saved but you still need the space on the wii memory & it uses so much i have to move my tiger woods settings to the SD card then move it back again when i'm finished so i thought i could do with a memory upgrade
What do you have on the internal memory that is taking up so much space?

I have 33 save files and 3 channels on my internal (and that's including the SD swap file that's holding Toki Tori at the moment) and I still have over 1200 blocks free on the internal.

There is no memory upgrade available being that it's NAND flash and soldered directly to the mainboard.

Here's the parts layout on the mainboard if you'd like to take a look, U14 is the internal memory chip, it's highly unlikely anyone has been successful swapping in larger capacity memory: http://wiire.org/Wii/console/motherboard
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I agree, I put all of my VC and wiiware stuff on the SDHC card and I only have the internet and nintendo channels installed on the main memory as well as save data and I have over 1,000 blocks free. What's the capacity of your SD card?
You can now store your WiiWare and Virtual Console games on the SD card and launch them from the new SD menu (you can select to download them directly to the card when you purchase them, instead of saving them to the internal memory and then copying them over). Note that you will still need to leave some free space on the internal memory since the games are not played directly off the card, they are first copied to the internal memory and then launched.

But then you have to move alot of stuff around when the internal memory is full. For the next update Nintendo sould make the WiiWare and Virtual Console games playable off the SD cards.
But then you have to move alot of stuff around when the internal memory is full. For the next update Nintendo sould make the WiiWare and Virtual Console games playable off the SD cards.

They are playable off the card.

I can see how the way I worded it may have confused you of how it functions though. When the game is launched from the SD, it is copied to the internal memory. It stays there until you launch a different game from the SD, at which time the previous game is removed, and the new game is copied over. Therefore, the space used for the swap file will only be as big as the game that was last played off the SD card. Given the current WiiWare size restrictions for games (40MB), the largest chunk of memory used for this swap file will be around 340 blocks (or so, I'm not exactly sure what the equivalent blocks would be). If you have played any games directly off the SD card, you can go into your memory management menus and see the SD menu file sitting in the internal memory, labeled with whichever game happens to be sitting there. Each game launched from the SD will not accumulate in this file since the previously launched game is removed first.

*Edit: I apologize since re-thinking what you may have been getting at. Perhaps you meant that if somehow the internal got completely filled with save files (and the few channels that can't be moved to SD) then you would have to shuffle save files back and forth to make room for the SD swap file. However on this argument, I find it unlikely that someone will need that many save files at any given time, and really be that inconvenienced with swapping a save file or two when going back to play a game that has not been played regularly.

Also, some cards simply don't have fast enough read/write speeds to effectively run a game directly, introducing another confusing aspect for users without the technical knowledge to really know the difference (and considering the portion of Wii's non-tech savvy owners, this is in no way a slight toward them or anyone else, it's just stating fact that the myriad of SD card standards can be confusing to some).
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thanks for all the advice guys.
i have a 1GB SD card in my WII but i was wondering if anyone knnows how many blocks are avalable in the WII when the memory is empty
thanks for all the advice guys.
i have a 1GB SD card in my WII but i was wondering if anyone knnows how many blocks are avalable in the WII when the memory is empty

There are around 2100 blocks available to the user.
so how come i can only get about 260 blocks free?
what could be using them all up?

Anything and everything really. For me, I have 600+ blocks taken up for Rock Band 2 >.<

To check, go into your Wii System options and go to the memory section.
From the Wii Menu:
Wii Options > Data Management > Wii

Then, just click on each icon and it will tell you how many blocks it is taken up and what it is.
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Oh man am i thick:sad:
i have been moving what i thought was the game files to the SD card but it turns out that i should have been moving the channel. what i actually was moving were my save files. i have now done this & i have about 2800 blocks free on my wii memory:smilewinkgrin:

thanks guys

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