Wii on HDTV


WiiChat Member
Feb 17, 2009
Will my Wiis graphics look way better on an HDTV than one that doesnt?Will it be a huge difference or not so much?
I think the Wii is only up to 480p at its best, so if you have a 720/1080p tv its not going to look any better, IMO. Now if you had at PS3 running 1080p, then yes there would be a difference.

But Im not an expert so I could be wrong. . .
Sometimes the Wii looks worse on HDTV depending on how well the TV can upscale the Wii's signal.

Be sure to get the component cables though.
my TV does a great job upscaling the wii. COD W@W is awesome. i have a 32" LG LCD 720p
I think Wii will naturally benefit from any HDTV display and a set of componet cables. I use a Hitachi plasma and the Nintendo licenced componet cables. It is set at 480P and looks beautiful. My friend has a hdtv plasma with the composite cables hooked up. I can't stand it mine looks soooooooooooo much better.
you're just as good with a set of non-branded component cables than with the nintendo licensed ones. there is no difference
Well today I hooked my Wii up to my new Samsung a650 46" LCD HDTV 1080p 120hrz via generic component cable(previously hooked to a 15yr 27" tube tv).

I set both the TV and Wii to their optimum settings, the color is visibly better, but having enlarged the screen almost 2x(27" -> 46") it now shows the jaggedness/roughness of the Wii's graphics.
I think the Wii is only up to 480p at its best, so if you have a 720/1080p tv its not going to look any better, IMO. Now if you had at PS3 running 1080p, then yes there would be a difference.

But Im not an expert so I could be wrong. . .

Nope your correct not a Wii diffrence the tv resolution is just lighter then a old tv so no big diffrence that you can fix with adjusting contrast tint,ect
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i already have a hdtv thanks The Conduit looks good.
I have an HD TV but always play with the normal picture. My brother in law stretches the picture on his and it looks very distorted. It will always look best in standard definition and not a stretched picture.
I have an HD TV but always play with the normal picture. My brother in law stretches the picture on his and it looks very distorted. It will always look best in standard definition and not a stretched picture.

you can change the wii for stadard/widescreen picture. some games dont support widescreen though.
The bigger the screen is the worse the 480P Wii graphics look. You will see more jaggedness etc... But I'd rather play in 480P on my 65" Mitsubishi DLP HDTV, than my old 64" Phillips SDTV in 480i.
The bigger the screen is the worse the 480P Wii graphics look. You will see more jaggedness etc... But I'd rather play in 480P on my 65" Mitsubishi DLP HDTV, than my old 64" Phillips SDTV in 480i.

depends on how wellt he TV scale the image.
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I have an 42 inch samsung HDTV Plasma.Will da Wii look good on that?

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