Wii Online "safe" on my LAN?


WiiChat Member
Jan 14, 2008
I got the Wii for my kids (OK, I play too!) ... I work at home and have a wired/wireless LAN throughout the house, and I had no problems connecting the Wii Console to a wireless hub. But I want to know if the Wii is safe to have on my LAN.

I have 8-10 computers set up on my LAN at any given time, one of which is a Win 2003 file server and Windows domain controller. All computers go through a router that connects using NAT to a cable modem to get to the internet.

Current virus software is running on all machines - 3 personal computers (wife and 2 daughters) and 5 or more business machines.

Before I let my kids use Wii Connect, I need to know if that will make my LAN vulnerable. Does the Wii Console have antivirus software? What happens if it downloads a virus - can that spread to other machines on my LAN? Does the console have a hardware or software firewall?

Any help would be appreciated ... Thanks!

It can't download anything. It's simply impossible..
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a30993 said:
It can't download anything. It's simply impossible..
Well, from what I'm reading, it can send and receive messages from other consoles, swap Mii characters, etc. And it can browse web sites, no? Can my kids browse to a malicious web site (unwittingly) - what sort of protection does the console have?
It cannot get downloaded onto the Wii console. It'd have to be made specifically for the OS, which has yet to be cracked.
1. I wouldn't worry about it. The Wii has its own operating system which will only run programs authorized by nintendo.
2. I'm almost positive that even if it did have a virus, it couldn't access your computers
3. what do you have on your computers that is so important...
Hey, unlike some other people, as long as you don't plug the Wii directly into the modem you should be fine. With the router, if the firewalls in place you should be set :)
it would be impossible to get any virus using the wii browser it only downloads the webpage and then after it is turned off the cache is removed nothing can or will be downloaded
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Bigred said:
1. I wouldn't worry about it. The Wii has its own operating system which will only run programs authorized by nintendo.
2. I'm almost positive that even if it did have a virus, it couldn't access your computers
3. what do you have on your computers that is so important...

Hi Bigred,

Thanks for the reply.

What's so is important is everything on my business computers. I develop software for a living (yes, some computers actully serve a purpose beside playing games! :smilewinkgrin: ). The very last thing I need are headaches that get let in through some "backdoor unknown device", which is essentially what the Wii is on my LAN. I have pretty good security; it's just that I don't know much about this Console, it's OS and it's vulnerabilities.

Every one says "it can't/hasn't been cracked", but IMHO that's just a matter of time and interest. Besides, like I said above, the Console can send and receive messages from other consoles, swap Mii characters, and so on - all it takes is someone with desire, some skill and persistence.
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nxcmp said:
Hey, unlike some other people, as long as you don't plug the Wii directly into the modem you should be fine. With the router, if the firewalls in place you should be set :)

Hi nxcmp,

nice avatar :cool:

Thanks for the reply. This is what I was thinking - that with NAT and the firewall in place, it should be OK - but I just figured I'd check ... you know what they say ...
... when you assume, you make an ass out of u and me ! :lol:


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