Wii Play High Scores

Wiily Good

WiiChat Member
Oct 28, 2006
Hello Everyone, welcome to the Wii Play High Scores Thread.

This thread was created for all Wii Play players to showcase their high scores and Wii Play skill.

Although Wii Play was criticised by many, I am sure that many people would have bought and are currently enjoying Wii Play.

When you post your high scores can you please write it in this format:
Wii Play Game - High Score - Medal Earned
e.g. Billiards - 48 - Silver

I also ask of you not to post general comments, flaming, spam etc.

I will frequently update this first post with the high scores of different users.

I ask of you to also only post your high scores using convention gameplay methods. This means no Cheats, Hacks or Easter Eggs.

If you wish to update your scores, please post your updated scores in a new post rather than editing your old post. If you update your previous post I will be unable to find your scores therefore your scores will not be updated.

I personally don't feel there is a need for people to post pictures of their high scores however if you would like to post them to add to your credibility, I ask of you to compress them to less than 500 pixels wide. Otherwise they will distort the forum skin. Also, if you doubt someone else's score, just ask them to post a picture and hopefully the high scorer will oblige.

Bronze, Silver and Gold medal entries will be marked in standard text.
Platinum Medal entries will be marked in bold.

I encourage all Wii Play users to post their high scores here.


Shooting Range
885 - Platinum - bobdingley
865 - Platinum - Player 2
846 - Platinum - Thwimm
816 - Platinum - kobeguy888
800 - Platinum - Riviet
799 - Platinum - Simmo3k
773 - Platinum - SMB4588
767 - Platinum - Weet-Bix
760 - Platinum - A.melfi
760 - Platinum - The_Loose_Cannon
743 - Platinum - bluemilkma
743 - Platinum - Swimmerterry
731 - Platinum - 65stang
713 - Platinum - Kimmy_Mii
708 - Platinum - Pepper1
704 - Platinum - blueovalboy7
696 - Platinum - Waffles
687 - Platinum - Aylwin
666 - Platinum - barita1129
665 - Platinum - pbeesley
659 - Platinum - oasis2ooo
654 - Platinum - Jorge's Girlfriend
650 - Platinum - DAVE859
649 - Platinum - friedriceballer
643 - Platinum - dvernon611
643 - Platinum - mccdlibby
640 - Platinum - Galaktos
639 - Platinum - Mikkii
637 - Platinum - Stranger
633 - Platinum - j-man123
630 - Platinum - maddmaxx46
626 - Platinum - Kaori
625 - Platinum - axsl speed
622 - Platinum - gatorclay
622 - Platinum - Jorge
622 - Platinum - Smurfette
622 - Platinum - Steph / Wii17's Girlfriend
621 - Platinum - FoxRox
620 - Platinum - Wiily Good
618 - Platinum - jiggero
618 - Platinum - redbucket69
608 - Platinum - katamari
606 - Platinum - Meema
606 - Platinum - Valley
604 - Platinum - Wii17
603 - Platinum - Sananab
602 - Platinum - Dantheman
602 - Platinum - OwenPB
??? - Platinum - jeremie51
589 - Gold - BBWii
549 - Gold - Tomahog
538 - Gold - sonicspeed
494 - Silver - WiiWiz2
444 - Silver - christinaz
435 - Silver - BrawlMan07
409 - Silver - Bod
396 - Silver - usatraveler

Find Mii
99 - Platinum - Aylwin
99 - Platinum - Kaori
99 - Platinum - Kimmy_Mii
99 - Platinum - Mikkii
99 - Platinum - Nikida
99 - Platinum - PeterRegg
99 - Platinum - Simmo3k
92 - Platinum - blueovalboy7
91 - Platinum - 65stang
91 - Platinum - Player 2
87 - Platinum - Smurfette
85 - Platinum - Pepper1
85 - Platinum - Waffles
84 - Platinum - axsl speed
84 - Platinum - jeremie51
83 - Platinum - oasis2ooo
81 - Platinum - DAVE859
78 - Gold - j-man123
73 - Gold - pbeesley
73 - Gold - Riviet
71 - Gold - Sananab
68 - Gold - Valley
68 - Gold - Weet-Bix
67 - Gold - friedriceballer
67 - Gold - Wiily Good
63 - Gold - A.melfi
62 - Gold - sonicspeed
59 - Silver - BBWii
58 - Silver - SMB4588
51 - Silver - bluemilkma
47 - Silver - Steph / Wii17's Girlfriend
44 - Silver - BrawlMan07
43 - Silver - Galaktos
43 - Silver - katamari
40 - Silver - Wii17
37 - Bronze - Jorge
29 - Bronze - Tomahog
28 - Bronze - christinaz
24 - Bronze - Bod
24 - Bronze - Dantheman
22 - Bronze - FoxRox
13 - Unranked - usatraveler
5 - Unranked - Swimmerterry

Table Tennis
999 - Platinum - jeremie51
999 - Platinum - pingpongpro
591 - Platinum - Weet-Bix
565 - Platinum - Player 2
415 - Platinum - Happy Camper
399 - Platinum - A.melfi
398 - Platinum - 65stang
392 - Platinum - redbucket69
388 - Platinum - blueovalboy7
388 - Platinum - Riviet
348 - Platinum - pbeesley
299 - Platinum - Kimmy_Mii
299 - Platinum - Wiily Good
294 - Platinum - bobdingley
289 - Platinum - maddmaxx46
289 - Platinum - Waffles
288 - Platinum - Pepper1
284 - Platinum - Smurfette
276 - Platinum - Swimmerterry
273 - Platinum - friedriceballer
261 - Platinum - DAVE859
259 - Platinum - oasis2ooo
243 - Platinum - Mikkii
242 - Platinum - katamari
239 - Platinum - bluemilkma
234 - Platinum - Steph/ Wii17's Girlfriend
200 - Platinum - Simmo3k
199 - Gold - WiiGod
196 - Gold - usatraveler
193 - Gold - SMB4588
190 - Gold - j-man123
183 - Gold - jonesy40_22
180 - Gold - Valley
172 - Gold - Wii17
168 - Gold - FoxRox
164 - Gold - Dantheman
158 - Gold - Jorge
138 - Gold - Galaktos
135 - Gold - christinaz
134 - Gold - brendog
121 - Gold - nath5
120 - Gold - Sananab
109 - Gold - BBWii
100 - Gold - axsl speed
100 - Gold - Bod
100 - Gold - Kaori
100 - Gold - Swoove26
100 - Gold - Tomahog
87 - Silver - sonicspeed

Pose Mii
1585 - Platinum - axsl speed
1571 - Platinum - jeremie51
1565 - Platinum - Riviet
1472 - Platinum - A.melfi
1459 - Platinum - DAVE859
1411 - Platinum - oasis2ooo
1389 - Platinum - Weet-Bix
1288 - Platinum - Kaori
1287 - Platinum - Player 2
1283 - Platinum - Simmo3k
1278 - Platinum - bluemilkma
1275 - Platinum - Waffles
1267 - Platinum - blueovalboy7
1257 - Platinum - Smurfette
1236 - Platinum - j-man123
1224 - Platinum - 65stang
1207 - Platinum - Pepper1
1034 - Gold - Wii17
963 - Gold - Mikkii
950 - Gold - SMB4588
925 - Gold - Wiily Good
922 - Gold - Valley
906 - Gold - Galaktos
766 - Silver - redbucket69
719 - Silver - Sananab
715 - Silver - Kimmy_Mii
648 - Silver - Jorge
621 - Silver - FoxRox
602 - Silver - pbeesley
587 - Bronze - sonicspeed
569 - Bronze - Steph/ Wii17's Girlfriend
556 - Silver - christinaz
517 - Bronze - BBWii
514 - Silver - friedriceballer
480 - Bronze - Tomahog
474 - Bronze - Dantheman
468 - Bronze - Swimmerterry
342 - Bronze - katamari
298 - Bronze - Bod
263 - Unranked - usatraveler

Laser Hockey
18 - Platinum - jeremie51
17 - Platinum - oasis2ooo
15 - Platinum - DAVE859
14 - Platinum - 65stang
14 - Platinum - blueovalboy7
14 - Platinum - Kaori
14 - Platinum - Pepper1
14 - Platinum - Player 2
14 - Platinum - Riviet
14 - Platinum - Simmo3k
14 - Platinum - Waffles
13 - Gold - A.melfi
13 - Gold - BBWii
13 - Gold - Galaktos
13 - Gold - j-man123
13 - Gold - Weet-Bix
12 - Gold - FoxRox
12 - Gold - pbeesley
12 - Gold - redbucket69
11 - Gold - axsl speed
11 - Gold - bluemilkma
11 - Gold - friedriceballer
11 - Gold - katamari
11 - Gold - Kimmy_Mii
11 - Gold - Mikkii
11 - Gold - Sananab
11 - Gold - Swimmerterry
11 - Gold - Tomahog
11 - Gold - Valley
11 - Gold - Wii17
11 - Gold - Wiily Good
10 - Gold - Aylwin
10 - Gold - Dantheman
10 - Gold - jonesy40_22
10 - Gold - PeterRegg
10 - Gold - Smurfette
10 - Gold - sonicspeed
10 - Gold - Steph/ Wii17's Girlfriend
10 - Gold - usatraveler
9 - Silver - SMB4588
7 - Silver - Bod
7 -Silver - christinaz
6 - Bronze - Jorge
6 - Bronze - kevbomac05

69 - Platinum - DozeBeatS
69 - Platinum - jonesy40_22
66 - Platinum - jeremie51
66 - Platinum - Player 2
66 - Platinum - Wii17
66 - Platinum - usatraveler
63 - Platinum - bobdingley
63 - Platinum - FoxRox
63 - Platinum - Galaktos
63 - Platinum - j-man123
63 - Platinum - Kimmy_Mii
63 - Platinum - Pepper1
63 - Platinum - Riviet
63 - Platinum - Simmo3k
63 - Platinum - stuffisgd
60 - Platinum - 65stang
60 - Platinum - A.melfi
60 - Platinum - Aylwin
60 - Platinum - bluemilkma
60 - Platinum - blueovalboy7
60 - Platinum - DAVE859
60 - Platinum - friedriceballer
60 - Platinum - Kaori
60 - Platinum - katamari
60 - Platinum - mccdlibby
60 - Platinum - Mikkii
60 - Platinum - oasis2ooo
60 - Platinum - SMB4588
60 - Platinum - Steph/ Wii17's Girlfriend
60 - Platinum - Stranger
60 - Platinum - Swimmerterry
60 - Platinum - Waffles
60 - Platinum - Wiily Good
57 - Gold - Dantheman
57 - Gold - Weet-Bix
54 - Gold - axsl speed
54 - Gold - BBWii
54 - Gold - Jorge
54 - Gold - Sananab
54 - Gold - Smurfette
51 - Gold - redbucket69
51 - Gold - sonicspeed
51 - Gold - Valley
45 - Silver - christinaz
45 - Silver - Tomahog
36 - Silver - Bod

3640 - Platinum - Riviet
3180 - Platinum - Galaktos
3180 - Platinum - Kaori
3150 - Platinum - blueovalboy7
3140 - Platinum - oasis2ooo
3120 - Platinum - BBWii
3110 - Platinum - Waffles
3030 - Platinum - Player 2
3010 - Platinum - Pepper1
2960 - Platinum - spicka
2920 - Platinum - 65stang
2920 - Platinum - Mikkii
2890 - Platinum - Weet-Bix
2820 - Platinum - FoxRox
2810 - Platinum - Aylwin
2810 - Platinum - DAVE859
2810 - Platinum - Swimmerterry
2810 - Platinum - Valley
2790 - Platinum - Sananab
2770 - Platinum - Kimmy_Mii
2760 - Platinum - friedriceballer
2760 - Platinum - maddmaxx46
2750 - Platinum - gatorclay
2750 - Platinum - Simmo3k
2680 - Platinum - j-man123
2670 - Platinum - sonicspeed
2670 - Platinum - Steph/ Wii17's Girlfriend
2660 - Platinum - Wii17
2650 - Platinum - SMB4588
2620 - Platinum - bluemilkma
2620 - Platinum - katamari
2610 - Platinum - Smurfette
2600 - Platinum - jeremie51
2570 - Gold - WiiWiz2
2550 - Gold - axsl speed
2500 - Gold - A.melfi
2490 - Gold - Tomahog
2470 - Gold - jonesy40_22
2450 - Gold - Jorge
2410 - Gold - Wiily Good
2380 - Gold - The_Loose_Cannon
2210 - Silver - redbucket69
2200 - Silver - Bod
2030 - Silver - Dantheman
1680 - Silver - christinaz
1210 - Unranked - usatraveler

334 - Platinum - Riviet
333 - Platinum - axsl speed
332 - Platinum - christinaz
332 - Platinum - Wiily Good
331 - Platinum - jeremie51
331 - Platinum - Player 2
330 - Platinum - bobdingley
330 - Platinum - friedriceballer
330 - Platinum - mickii
330 - Platinum - Mikkii
330 - Platinum - Pepper1
330 - Platinum - Steph/ Wii17's Girlfriend
330 - Platinum - ua001
330 - Platinum - Valley
330 - Platinum - WiiWiz2
329 - Platinum - BBWii
329 - Platinum - maddmaxx46
329 - Platinum - oasis2ooo
329 - Platinum - Waffles
329 - Platinum - WiiWiz2
328 - Platinum - blueovalboy7
328 - Platinum - Dantheman
328 - Platinum - DAVE859
328 - Platinum - j-man123
328 - Platinum - Simmo3k
328 - Platinum - Smurfette
328 - Platinum - Wii17
328 - Platinum - WiiGod
327 - Platinum - Aylwin
327 - Platinum - Kaori
327 - Platinum - Sananab
327 - Platinum - Tomahog
326 - Platinum - FoxRox
326 - Platinum - Swimmerterry
325 - Platinum - 65stang
325 - Platinum - A.melfi
325 - Platinum - bluemilkma
325 - Platinum - fusshead
325 - Platinum - Jorge
325 - Platinum - katamari
325 - Platinum - SMB4588
325 - Platinum - sonicspeed
324 - Gold - Stranger
318 - Gold - Galaktos
318 - Gold - pbeesley
310 - Gold - Kimmy_Mii
302 - Gold - BrawlMan07
302 - Gold - redbucket69
301 - Gold - usatraveler
269 - Silver - Bod

540 - Platinum - jeremie51
540 - Platinum - wesley
531 - Platinum - PeterRegg
494 - Platinum - bluemilkma
491 - Platinum - GREATGOAT
320 - Platinum - Waffles
312 - Platinum - PeterRegg
269 - Platinum - kobeguy888
266 - Platinum - kurtfan182
256 - Platinum - Simmo3k
254 - Platinum - Player 2
244 - Platinum - blueovalboy7
239 - Platinum - bobdingley
228 - Platinum - mickt
202 - Platinum - oasis2ooo
201 - Platinum - Pepper1
193 - Platinum - Riviet
172 - Platinum - 65stang
167 - Platinum - axsl speed
122 - Gold - jonesy40_22
122 - Gold - Kaori
84 - Gold - A.melfi
84 - Gold - j-man123
84 - Gold - Valley
83 - Gold - Mikkii
80 - Gold - SMB4588
69 - Silver - Steph/ Wii17's Girlfriend
69 - Silver - Weet-Bix
64 - Silver - Sananab
63 - Silver - DAVE859
59 - Silver - BBWii
57 - Silver - Tomahog
56 - Silver - redbucket69
56 - Silver - Wii17
55 - Silver - sonicspeed
55 - Silver - Wiily Good
54 - Silver - friedriceballer
53 - Silver - Jorge
49 - Silver - Galaktos
49 - Silver - Swimmerterry
46 - Silver - Smurfette
40 - Silver - FoxRox
40 - Silver - pbeesley
39 - Silver - Bod
34 - Silver - Dantheman
33 - Silver - WiiWiz2
19 - Bronze - katamari
10 - Unranked - christinaz
10 - Unranked - Kimmy_Mii
9 - Unranked - usatraveler

Wii Play Platinum Club
1st - oasis2ooo - 24/01/07
2nd - Simmo3k - 05/03/07
3rd - 65stang - 22/03/07
4th - blueovalboy7 - 02/06/07
5th - Player 2 - 14/06/07
6th - Waffles - 25/07/07
7th - jeremie51 - 05/08/07
8th - Pepper1 - 07/30/09


Special Mentions
Congratulations to pingpongpro for scoring 999 in Table Tennis. This is PERFECT! A video can be found [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42pRlG08f9U"]here[/ame] where unfortunately he ended up getting 990 but in his personal records you can clearly see 999.



For more information on the medal thresholds for the different Wii Play games, see the post directly below this one. If you see any errors I will encourage you to post the corrections in this thread.

If you need tips on getting those few extra points for those elusive Platinum Medals, you can find a really indepth and helpful guide by following the below link.
Wii Play Game FAQ

If you are thinking about buying Wii Play but want to view a review, I have added a link to what I would consider a fair review of Wii Play.
IGN Australia Wii Play Review

I have also created a similar thread entitled Wii Sports High Scores. To view this thread or to submit your Wii Sports high scores, click the below link.
Wii Sports High Scores

If you really appreciate this thread, please don't hesitate to click the reputation button (the picture of Toad), just to the bottom left of this text.​
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  • #2
Score Thresholds for Medals in Wii Play

Submitted by Wii17 with minor corrections from Aylwin, Jorge, Riviet, and Wiily Good.

If anyone has any minor corrections to make, please post in this thread.

Shooting Range
Bronze – 250 pts
Silver – 400 pts
Gold – 450 pts
Platinum – 600 pts
Site Record – 885 pts

Find Mii
Bronze – 20 pts
Silver – 40 pts
Gold – 60 pts
Platinum – 80 pts
Site Record – 99 pts

Table Tennis
Bronze – 20 pts
Silver – 50 pts
Gold – 100 pts
Platinum – 200 pts
Site Record – 999 pts

Pose Mii
Bronze – 250 pts
Silver – 600 pts
Gold – 800 pts
Platinum – 1200 pts
Site Record – 1585 pts

Laser Hockey
Bronze – 5 pts and win the game
Silver – 7 pts and win the game
Gold – 10 pts and win the game
Platinum – 14 pts and win the game
Site Record – 18 pts and win the game

Bronze – 30 pts
Silver – 40 pts
Gold – 50 pts
Platinum – 60 pts
Site Record – 69 pts

Bronze – 1000 pts
Silver – 1500 pts
Gold – 2300 pts
Platinum – 2600 pts
Site Record – 3640 pts

Bronze – 100 pts
Silver – 200 pts
Gold – 300 pts
Platinum – 325 pts
Site Record – 334 pts

Bronze – 20 pts
Silver – 40 pts
Gold – 84 pts
Platinum – 120 pts
Site Record – 540 pts
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Shooting Range
620 - Platinum

Find Mii
47 - Silver

Table Tennis
172 - Gold (can't be arsed)

Pose Mii
690 - Silver

Laser Hockey
11 - Gold

66 - Platinum

2660 - Platinum

328 - Platinum

72 - Silver

Shooting Range
Me - 604 - Platinum
Steph - 622 - Platinum (damn)

Find Mii
Me - 40 - Silver
Steph - 47 - Silver (no comment)

Table Tennis
Me - 172 - Gold (can't be arsed)
Steph - 234 - Platinum (damn)

Pose Mii
Me - 690 - Silver now 1034 - Gold (would have been more but i lost all three live when my parents came in the room grrrrrr. :( )
Steph - 569 - Silver (yay)

Laser Hockey
Me -11 - Gold
Steph - 10 - Gold (yay)

Me - 66 - Platinum
Steph - 60 - Platinum (yay)

Me - 2660 - Platinum
Steph - 2670 - Platinum (damn)

Me - 328 - Platinum
Steph - 330 - Platinum (damn)

Me - 56 - Silver
Steph - 69 - Silver (no coment)
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Shooting Range
702 (platinum)

Find Mii
59 (silver, one away from gold!)

Table Tennis
244 (platinum)

Pose Mii
1565 (platinum)

Laser Hockey
14 (platinum, this took me quite a while, it's simply practice practice practice!)

57 (gold, close to platinum but just not good enough yet :p)

2930 (platinum)

329 (platinum)

64 (silver)
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i can tell you scores needed for different medals if you want i know exactly


Perfect - 730+ Points
Platinum - 600 Points
Gold - 500 Points
Silver - 400 Points
Bronze - 250 Points

Find Mii

Perfect - 100+ Points
Platinum - 80 Points
Gold - 60 Points
Silver - 45 Points
Bronze - 20 Points

Table Tennis

Perfect - 999 Points
Platinum - 200 Points
Gold - 100 Points
Silver - 50 Points
Bronze - 20 Points

Pose Mii

400 for bronze.
600 for silver.
800 for gold.
1200 for platinum.
1500+ Perfect

Laser Hockey

Perfect - 25+ points (and win)
Platinum - 14 Points (and win)
Gold - 10 Points (and win)
Silver - 7 Points (and win)
Bronze - 5 Points (and win)


Perfect - 78 Points (all balls in 1 shot)
Platinum - 60 Points
Gold - 50 Points
Silver - 40 Points
Bronze - 30 Points


Perfect - 3330+ Points
Platinum - 2650 Points
Gold - 2000 Points
Silver - 1500 Points
Bronze - 1000 Points


Perfect - 330+ Points
Platinum - 325 Points
Gold - 300 Points
Silver - 200 Points
Bronze - 100 Points


Perfect - 160 Points
Platinum - 100 Points
Gold - 80 Points
Silver - 40 Points
Bronze - 20 Points

I think thats all right
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I was one level off the gold in find Mii (which requires 60 levels completed) so change that to silver please. I'd also like you to remove the question marks please. :)
Wii17 said:
Laser Hockey

Platinum - 16 Points (and win)
Gold - 10 Points (and win)
Silver - 7 Points (and win)
Bronze - 5 Points (and win)
Platinum for laser hockey should be 14 (and win), as I got the platinum.
Wii17 said:
holy sh*t for pose mii how tha f........
Get your siblings plus your parents to make a nice teamwork effort. Or just invite a group of friends over. :D
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You can pick it up just like any other game and buy it, but so far its only out in Europe and Austrailia

Also my best in ping pong is 199 - dont laugh its true :( (gold 1 off platinum)
Charge 228 - love this game (platinum)

dont know the rest off by heart, maybe i'll post back later
Wiily Good said:
Bronze – 20 pts
Silver – 40 pts
Gold – 80 pts
Platinum – 100 pts
Perfect – 160 pts
I think platinum would be a little higher somewhere around 120-140 (I hope to find out myself as I improve). Also perfect is 540 tanks! (this is confirmed thanks to a fairly reliable source)
I concur. Good job Mr Mod and cheers. :yesnod:

I believe the perfect score (last level) for find mii is 99.

Correction for fishing's platinum medal: 2500

New high score for shooting: 753
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  • #14

I just got my table tennis to 294. And there I was being all excited.

I also got
567 - Shooting Range
54 - Billiards
325 - Charge!

Looking foward to some high scores from other users as well.
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no fishing is 2650 (playtested) i got 2640 and it was gold, ill start again and prove it with a screenshot if i have to. also laser hockey maximum possible score is 60 (1 every 2 seconds). also i believe after you beat the last level of find me it unlocks more levels or they repeat the next time making perfect way over 100. btw i am p*ssed off in billiards as i got 5 balls in first shot then f***** up

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