Wii Price In Australia??


WiiChat Member
Sep 5, 2006
i reside in Brisbane, Australia. Just wondered how much the wii will sell for here in oz.Any other fellow Aussies care to speculate on wii Price? I myself guess around 320 AUD. I hope it less of course.
Thank you

I says It will be $400, or even more than PS3! Yep, it will be expensive, because John Howard is gonna buy them all and put taxes on them all. And stuff. Brad says except 18,000,000,000,000.

I seriously think $400 and games $50. Yo:aureola:
it cant tell me cant know until they release it but it will be no more $320 (i converted the prices)
I'm expecting the worse case sceneario that its $450 and if its only $400 thats better for me more money for other stuff
deity_link said:
I'm expecting the worse case sceneario that its $450 and if its only $400 thats better for me more money for other stuff
$450!!! Wat the hell! dont even say that, thats just too much. Australia always get screwed so i dunno, just dont say that.
m7ticalm said:
$450!!! Wat the hell! dont even say that, thats just too much. Australia always get screwed so i dunno, just dont say that.
I'm not trying to be negative or anything but Aussie genrally get the crap end of the stick but still i hope its $400 ($350 would be awesome thoguh)

I'd also hope for a $299 price tag, and I'd actually greatly question about getting one if it's any more.

I think I remember the N64 was around $399 at launch, then around a month later they lowered to $299, and let the people who already paid $399 claim a free game or something.

I just wanted to add that I think $299 is quite a realistic estimate, you see $199 USD translates to around $264 AUD. :)

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Normally there is a small price deviation from retailer to retailer. You won't see the same price at two different retailers. One will have it for $10 more, one will have it for $10 less. That's just how it goes. Nintendo Australia will give the retailers an RRP (Reccomended Retail Price) which should take into account all the expenses associated with acquiring and selling the console.

These costs include factors like wages for the employees, transit insurance, business insurance, import taxes and numerous other factors. Each retailer will have different factors affecting them so it is unreasonable to assume there will be a generalised price across the country.

Hope that makes sense!
Well yeh I hope its $350 because thats what I am expecting it to be. If its lower thats fine with MEE! But games maybe 60 dollars?
Icetrash said:
Well yeh I hope its $350 because thats what I am expecting it to be. If its lower thats fine with MEE! But games maybe 60 dollars?
lol, no way, games will be like 90-100 AUS, if u didnt realise when everyone was posting about the games being no more than 60, that was in US.
eb r offering that $300 of thing if u trade a console and 25 games so it will be bout 350 cause they always make u pay 50 bucks xtra

25 new games is $2500 bucks

games will be $100 probably but they could sell 4 $70 cause thats what the lower price new games r

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