Wii remote power cord?


The Buzz Saw
Sep 29, 2006
Rexburg, Idaho
I've noticed that the Wii remotes used in the E3 demos have an extra cord coming in the side. Is that a power source? Will controllers have the option of having a power cord attached (whether it's into the wall or into the GameCube slots)? I think having a power cord would be awesome for single player purposes. I think having wireless controls is only crucial during a multiplayer setting where cords get in the way (or in the case where your batteries die).
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pizzaluvr said:
the wii was still being made then, and they probably didn't have the controllers made perfectly
Hmmm, you think so? Like, they didn't have the battery compartment figured out yet? That'd be weird.

I'm actually hoping a cord comes with it. I'd love to have a backup when batteries aren't available.
It was to stop people robing it
stupid sony... ( to kill this monster here we've used something innovative..... you have to tip him over and attack his weak spot ALL IN REAL TIME!!!) .... stupid sony, and their pc3
yeah they stole only tiliting:wtf:(retarded) stuck with the same shape(retarded) and got rid of the rumble(retarded) stated rumble messed with tilting:lol: (retarded, nintendo has full motion w/tilt, rumble, and speaker) and now everyone who has actually played a PS3 game says the tilt w/o rumble is a major dissapointment. and have you seen the graphics for gameplay on PS3, I thought they were supposed to be photorealistic, not a whole lot better, maybe at 50 feet away, $600 for that crap, hahahahahahaha but what can you expect, they make batteries that light on fire :mad5: - ahhh no. I guess that is what sony does nowadays, go down in flames.
ghghgh14702 said:
yeah they stole only tiliting:wtf:(retarded) stuck with the same shape(retarded) and got rid of the rumble(retarded) stated rumble messed with tilting:lol: (retarded, nintendo has full motion w/tilt, rumble, and speaker) and now everyone who has actually played a PS3 game says the tilt w/o rumble is a major dissapointment. and have you seen the graphics for gameplay on PS3, I thought they were supposed to be photorealistic, not a whole lot better, maybe at 50 feet away, $600 for that crap, hahahahahahaha but what can you expect, they make batteries that light on fire :mad5: - ahhh no. I guess that is what sony does nowadays, go down in flames.
they only stated that because they dont have rights to the rumble feature anymore. :ciappa:
Buzz said:
I've noticed that the Wii remotes used in the E3 demos have an extra cord coming in the side. Is that a power source? Will controllers have the option of having a power cord attached (whether it's into the wall or into the GameCube slots)? I think having a power cord would be awesome for single player purposes. I think having wireless controls is only crucial during a multiplayer setting where cords get in the way (or in the case where your batteries die).
The wiimote's had a cord that connected it to the wii because the Wii was still in development. If the development controllers had been wireless, then developers would have also had to deal with problems with wireless reception, adding more time to finishing their games. They did the same thing with the Xbox 360 controller and PS3 controller to cut down on problems.

I don't see Nintendo making a power cord for this controller because it comes with rechargeable batteries. Soon enough, they will probably make wiimotes that just have a battery pack like the Xbox 360 controllers have and 3rd party developers will make a charging base just like the ones the Xbox 360 has.
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Interesting. Can you cite some sources for me? I'm not calling you guys liars; I just want to see where they mention that the Wii remote will come with rechargeable batteries. Any links for me? :)
Buzz said:
Interesting. Can you cite some sources for me? I'm not calling you guys liars; I just want to see where they mention that the Wii remote will come with rechargeable batteries. Any links for me? :)
Yeah, here's what IGN says:
One of the big questions about the Wii-mote has remained how it will be powered. Official documentation on the topic offers some answers. The pointer will accept two AA alkaline batteries, which will keep it going for a considerable amount of time. If the precision aim functionality of the pointer is being used in games, the device will run for approximately 30 hours. If only the accelerometer functionality is being utilized, the Wii-mote will operate for 60 hours on two AA batteries.

Now of course, Nintendo could surprise us and put a nice battery pack in there instead of making us buy rechargable AA batteries, but since Wii is already in production, it's unlikely.

Oh, and while searching for a source on this, look what I found:

You can read more about them here.

These would be perfect for Wii if Nintendo doesn't make a battery pack because you could get four and have two plugged into the Wii's back USB ports and when the ones in the wiimote are running low, just switch 'em.:yesnod:

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