Wii supply question


WiiChat Member
Aug 7, 2007
hello everyone! :smilewinkgrin:
im new here and i've been thinking about buying a Wii for a long time and i recently decided to go for it :p
so, my question is about the Wii supply in usa, can i get a wii now without any trouble of standing in line, ordering advance etc?

thanks in advance for the answers! :smilewinkgrin:
Unfortunately there are still shortages of Wii's in some areas. Even though I live in Canada I would expect something similar in the US. Last time I went to the mall one store apparently received about 20 Wii's. One of which my friend decided to pick up. Anyways as we were talking to the store clerk they mentioned they had already sold 19 of the 20 consoles they got in. Also I don't know if their taking any reserves just yet for the wii. I believe your best bet would be to phone around to various stores including GameStop, Walmart, and Rogers Video.
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omg that bites so hard, my bro is in usa for a month and i want him to buy me a wii.. u sure?? :(
Pretty sure. You could always get your brother to phone around to various stores and if your lucky they may have one in that they could hold for you.
i dont see a shortage lol i went out one random day last week after payday n picked up a random wii @ ebgames. did i get lucky or what??? anyways it was the last 1 besides one that was returned cuz of defect anyways just ask when they get a new shipment and go pick it up on that day
I guess it depends on where you live. I can pretty much walk into any store here that sells Wiis and buy one.
It was very hard for me to find one. I ended up driving around 100 miles to get mine. It was worth it though!
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smuPoker said:
I guess it depends on where you live. I can pretty much walk into any store here that sells Wiis and buy one.

My bro is in NY, Brooklyn..
I found mine by just going to target each morning on the way to work. They get them at night now, so if they have any they will be there early in the morning.i started looking on a Tuesday, and had one on Friday.
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welll my bro cant go there every morning he's there for kind of a visit coming back in spetember..
yeah your best bet is to call around to stores and try to find out when they are planning on getting their next shipment in. trust me, it took me about a month to track one down. youll probably be able to quicker though, im in a decently small unheard of town.
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JCpackers05 said:
yeah your best bet is to call around to stores and try to find out when they are planning on getting their next shipment in. trust me, it took me about a month to track one down. youll probably be able to quicker though, im in a decently small unheard of town.

It's exactly the problem, i dont think my brother would do all this for the wii, he's kinda against it anyways(he says its too much money)
but i'll ask him if he can try that

thanks :)

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