Wii 'tips n tricks'

Me:In baseball, if you want to hit the ball more accurately, count fast 1,2,3,4,5 after the ball is being thrown and then hit. You can't miss!
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davortech said:
Me:In baseball, if you want to hit the ball more accurately, count fast 1,2,3,4,5 after the ball is being thrown and then hit. You can't miss!

....unless it's a slider, or whatever that slow one is.

you gotta wait until the shadow of the ball is right on the grass and the clay, THAT'S when you swing.
I need help with my wii, I performed a connection test sucessfully, but when I try to acept the terms for using Wiconnect24 a message sais that the connection failed. Is it my router (Linksys WRT54G) ?, I verified that the MAC filter function is disabled, what the h should I do, I´m lost?
vizionblind said:

35. The weather channel will affect your in-game weather on Wii games. http://forums.nintendo.com/nintendo/board/message?board.id=revolution&message.id=2808300

anyone know what games that works with?(that site is no longer there, i searched nintendo.com with no luck and the only game i found that uses this feature is Madden when i searched on here.) anyone know? i'm just curious, especially since i have Tiger 08 and it hasn't rained yet, and if i exit a course and go back in a few minutes later the wind is completely different than before but the weather is still the same.
i think more developers should use this feature though.

4 wii play, click the left leg of a mii on the menu and they do a funny pose, click other parts 2!

and 4 NiGHTS once you get the goal in following the octopaw, you can explore and get nightopians for your dream... IF U DONT OWN THIS GAME.. BUY IT!
Cool thread! Tried alot of these tricks. Any new ones?

EDIT- Lol fantasy that ones good it's like a glitch.