Wii VC Hacked

ciper said:
The news of VC being hacked will come late to this site because the average age of the users here is around 16.
Right now it is already possible to steal points from another persons account to buy games, and its already possible to download raw copies of the games directly from the store to your computer, though they are currently unusable.

If you are really interested and you have some talent why not try to hook up with the groups working on it and help out?

And where might those groups be? I've always been interested in that kind of stuff. Sounds like an interesting experience. :)
Canumbler said:

Good LORD boy! You just compared copyright violations to rape!
Let's be clear here, one is the grievous assault of another individual, the other is a civil violation of a revenue protection mechanism for a company.

Which brings me to another point, quit your loaded language, copyright violation is NOT theft, stealing, burglary etc, never has been and never will be no matter how much the riaa propagandists want to make it so.

n 1: the act of taking something from someone unlawfully; "the
thieving is awful at Kennedy International" [syn: larceny,
theft, thievery, thieving]

Note, to TAKE something from someone, you have to deprive them of it, copying something does not fit this bill, hence why copyright violations are a civil matter that you cannot be arrested or charged for, all that can be done is the copyright holder sues you for damages in civil court.

http://news.com.com/2100-1027_3-5181562.html <-- a little background reading.

You will find that nearly all people who would pirate something, would not have bought that thing in the first place, negating even the tenuous argument of big business that copyright violations hurt revenue.

I could go on for a long time however I'm at work and will leave it at that.. for now

Oh, Steel-Froggy i predict that to never happen and if it does will be fixed within a couple of hours, finance systems are notoriously secure.
true, you aren't depriving them of something, but u are still ending up taking a copy of something from them that you didn't pay them for (or that they allowed you to make a copy of) in most peoples eyes (and I'm sure most court systems) that is a form of theft
I know it's a form of theft.
I'd *honestly* delete them afterwards. It's just fun to meddle w/it and see if you CAN do it, I don't want to be illegal. lol

Although technically I guess it's still illegal, but meh. I don't think this is as bad... or something... :wtf:
Lol, I'll just shut up. :)
Canumbler said:
"theoretical", "analogy", two words that should be not be used in describing your direct comparison of theft to rape.

Describe what nintendo has been deprived of by copying their software? I wouldn't have bothered to go down this path but now you've said it I'm intrigued.

I spout definitions because it's really quite hard to understand what you're talking about when you're using your own special superset of english, it'd be nice if you used the accepted norms ;-)

You can preach that piracy is as bad as stealing till you're blue in the face, I don't mind, that's your opinion and while I don't totally agree with you I certainly understand it.
However it does irk me when people try to say that piracy IS stealing, it's clearly not.
And as for the rape post.. well I just had to respond to that insanity.
piracy is stealing, when you end up with software, that a company is charging money for, and your copy wasn't paid for (the usuall software license states that a software program, or copy of one, should only be able to run on one system at a time (not counting multiple license software etc..) that copy that pirates are circulating, for example, "might" have been paid for once, yet maybe 100 or 1000 people might be running it at a given moment, now, those 99, or 999 people have something they didn't pay for the right to use, that is a form of theft, isn't it?
Hmm... you've thought about that a lot...

Like I said, I agree it's theft, but meh. It's still an interesting subject to see if people can manage it.
ok after 7th page i got tried of reading but for thos whom dont want to pay the $5-$15 then go get a $500-$15000 computer and if your main reson behind not wanting to buy is due to owning the game wich is my case then buy an pc controller [i got one made just like an ps2] and download the roms and shut your "pieholes"
for its stell legal and if you do not own your allowed to keep for an 24 hour pirode witch is like a free rental and if you like it then buy it and i do agree with the games from the 80's and early 90's costing to much i can buy any n64 games and on back for under $5 legaly
just look in pawn shop and places like gamestop [none website its diffrent prices]
but yea... basicly said what i do.. and i stay legal by doing so unless that law has been changed in 2007... but yea pawn shop's aint that bad i got age of empires 3 brand new for $5

ps: all currencies are usd
too much

JerrodDRagon said:
Yeah and I hope people do it seeing how 8-10 bucks for a VC game is too much, seeing how most of these games I arleady brought or had you should be abe to get a discount if you can prove you have the game on a older system.

i agree. especially when your old system has so much dust in it that you blow out a lung trying to not only blow it clean, but at the same time trying to wedge a piece of cardboard in the game slot with the game because for some reason it only works that way. (ahem snes.) honestly though, the games go for about what the vc offers at stores like gamestop...and if you look at it this way, it's on the wii...you know it'll still work when you get it, and you don't have to fuss with those old dusty consoles. besides, i don't care what anyone says...star fox: lylat wars is still worth $10.
Then u have this option you can stay playing the older systems with sega and super nintendo and nintendo all plugged in and play them and just play the Wii for the Wii games. Don't worry about downloading them if u don't want to then thats your issue but stop being soo cheap man. Dang how much was the games when they came out yrs ago? Not $5 or $10 I'll tell ya that. Soo be happy u are paying that or playing the old system cause alot of us don't have our old systems to play on no more. Thats what we call life welcome to the real world where things arnt free and law suites Are everywhere.
I'm actually fine with paying just not $10 for a N64 game $8 and I'd be happy the thing is VC hasn't gotten in complaints about not working but I tried to start up my SNES it's worth the wait but I have to turn it on and off like 450 times to start up Donkey Kong country
I've been reading, and there is ample support for BOTH arguments, but when It boils down to it, its simply a matter of where your morals stand. If you feel like your a bad person when you play a hacked game, then shell out the cash and buy it. If you don't care, then do as you please, and remember that there are people out there who are working to stop you, and it may not end pretty.

Also, If Nintendo wants some true profits, they will release games that people WILL shell out money for. Where is the FF, the Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG or any other great game? Plus, if Nintendo could, I dunno, secure a dreamcast as a virtual console (they've got genesis, right?) It would also help. Some great games came out in the Dreamcast's short life, and to be frank, it wasn't a bad system for its time. Nintendo is, more or less, to blame for this thread even existing, because of high prices and lack of the product in demand, they've encouraged those who WANT these things to search for ways to get them. Nintendo could easily correct it with a price drop, or bring added content in to the picture. I, as an avid gamer, would shell out the points for, say, Chrono Trigger with a new hugea** dungeon to blaze, or an extension to help give fans another incentive to buy. (Not that Chrono Trigger really needs the added content, lol) Nintendo has a lot to consider, and hopefully they'll make a decision for the better.