Wiikey v1. Can I do firmware updates savely?


WiiChat Member
Jun 29, 2007
A short question. But first: some info:
I bought a Wii in januari 2007 and modded it with a Wiikey (the old one). I currently have 3.3E firmware on my Wii.

I'm not sure if I can savely update my firmware. The newest firmware is 3.5, right? But will my Wii brick when I update? Because I need the update to play the newer games (like Mario Power Tennis).
A short question. But first: some info:
I bought a Wii in januari 2007 and modded it with a Wiikey (the old one). I currently have 3.3E firmware on my Wii.

I'm not sure if I can savely update my firmware. The newest firmware is 3.5, right? But will my Wii brick when I update? Because I need the update to play the newer games (like Mario Power Tennis).

Sure, go ahead and update your firmware.
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But I read it possibly triggers that my other burned games can't be played anymore if they are Trucha signed. Any1 has experience with that?
nah, ive had no probems with anything,
so have others. go ahead and update. itll be fine.
I prly wouldnt try a update.
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nah, ive had no probems with anything,
so have others. go ahead and update. itll be fine.

U have a Wii with Wiikey? And u got those games listed in your sig as originals?
it will be fine. dschill probably has no idea what he's talking about.

to Hera:
why would i take the time to list hundreds of available games?
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To any1 who is interested. Updating the firmware WILL cause some backup games that are Trucha signed to not work anymore.

I've done this instead: used brickblocker to erase the forced update from the game. So now when I for the first time put in the dvd of Mario Power Tennis, it doesn't ask me to update, it simply starts and runs perfectly.

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