WiiWare launches in Japan - DLC Becomes a Reality?


WiiChat Member
Mar 24, 2008
Cincinati, OH
Wii Online Code
Today is March 25th, 2008. The day WiiWare games are released in Japan. With it comes hope about DLC becoming popular on the Wii.


The biggest game offered at day one, Crystal Chronicles: My Life As A King, has an interesting note about DLC when you download it.

Square didn't specify just what it meant, but lets hope it'll mean actual expansion packs/DLC similar to what we've seen through Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

This is good news for those who are hoping for Rock Band DLC.

IGN also has new videos of the title:

It still looks...interesting...
something like a Sim-RPG type game.

And seeing as it takes place IMMEDIATELY after the Gamecube version, I have a huge urge to play that one again.
Cant wait till wiiware hits europe in may! :D:D First time Im going to buy me some wiipoints !
It comes out May 12 in North America.

Should be good, got to get my Wi-fi connection working again..
So excited for WiiWare!