Will I wish I had waited 'til next Christmas to buy the 2007 Wii?

Yeah i'd have to agree. I want a PS3 more. but the wii CAN be more family oriented
Same. I'll probably wait til it drops in price a bit though, theres alot of Wii games I need to buy. Or I could just get the 20gig version, who's gonna use up 20gig let alone 60?
Darkside7000 said:
Same. I'll probably wait til it drops in price a bit though, theres alot of Wii games I need to buy. Or I could just get the 20gig version, who's gonna use up 20gig let alone 60?
Has much pr0n that can easily take up that space. :D

lol, j/k
White Knight said:
The GC and Wii "spinning backwards" was a false urban legend. You do not need a sourse or a link to believe me. Just test it yourself on the GC. Open the cover while it's spinning, and you'll see it spins normally.

Is this true? I've not owned a gamecube so can't test this myself...
I was told that the nintendo discs play backwards? Could it be that the laser is reading backwards? from outside to inside.?