You non believers (RE5 Wii)


WiiChat Member
Oct 22, 2007
A few members of Wii chat argued that this couldnt be....I always felt optimistic

The source is Reuters Japan.

This game was once said impossible on Wii and that not even the title screen could be done.

My 2 cents:
I had speculated that once the sales of PS360 versions of RE5 & SF IV were maximized for a few months (in order to make back the money spent to make them) that maybe then (cheaper) Wii versions would be announced. I mean, you wouldn't want to announce either of those games on Wii and hurt potential PS360 sales until after yo made our money back on them.
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I see nothing... Fix the link if it's real, if not, stop hoping...
It can't be done. RE5 cannot be played on a Nintendo Wii.

A ported game, like Dead Rising: CTYD, would have to be made in order for the Wii to receive it. And after recent sales of certain games I doubt they'll go for it.
It can't be done. RE5 cannot be played on a Nintendo Wii.

A ported game, like Dead Rising: CTYD, would have to be made in order for the Wii to receive it. And after recent sales of certain games I doubt they'll go for it.
Well it's obviously not gonna be the same game... It would be a graphically toned down make for the Wii....
It;s not like they would take the same game and add Wii controls, they would have to start from the ground up using the RE:4 engine or something like that...
Well it's obviously not gonna be the same game... It would be a graphically toned down make for the Wii....
It;s not like they would take the same game and add Wii controls, they would have to start from the ground up using the RE:4 engine or something like that...

They'd have to heavily modify it though, because as far as I know MT Frame work 2.0 had a complete overhaul for RE5.

The whole system of the game would be toned down, physics, AI, etc. Even though RE isn't famous for AI it's still on a superior engine.

Online would more than likely be taken away too.
It can't be done. RE5 cannot be played on a Nintendo Wii.

A ported game, like Dead Rising: CTYD, would have to be made in order for the Wii to receive it. And after recent sales of certain games I doubt they'll go for it.

I don't see why a Wii version couldn't be done using the RE:4 engine. They might have to lose a few features like online co-op (or leave them out due to laziness) but it controls the same as RE:4 and the levels are no bigger (actually mostly smaller).

Not that I'm bothered whether RE:5 comes to the Wii or not as RE:4 is a much better game anyway.
DUH!! Of course it can be done on Wii!

I'm on the fence with Capcom right now. They seem to be ditching Nintendo lately with lazy ports and skipping Wii when it comes to their blockbusters.

I will buy IF and ONLY IF they build an engine from the ground up for the game or at least use somebody else's Wii engine(Quantum 3). None of this Gamecube engine stuff they've been doing lately.

hate how they say Twilight Princess is the same game on Wii as it is on Gamecube(Gamecube game with motion controls tacked on), but as soon as you mention RE4 they talk about how spectacular Capcom did and how it's WAAAY different. It's just a gamecube game with Motion controls tacked on.

Take a second from milking the cash cow and actually put in some effort like High Voltage.
I'm on the fence with Capcom right now. They seem to be ditching Nintendo lately with lazy ports and skipping Wii when it comes to their blockbusters.

I will buy IF and ONLY IF they build an engine from the ground up for the game or at least use somebody else's Wii engine(Quantum 3). None of this Gamecube engine stuff they've been doing lately.

I kind of feel the same way. Capcom was awesome when the Wii first launched, releasing ports of good games like RE:4 or Okami and new IPs like Zack & Wiki. They really haven't moved on from there though and their recent titles have been subpar to say the least.

It wouldn't bother me too much if they did just reuse the RE:4 engine for RE:5, as the games are not really that different other than the inclusion of online and co-op. I doubt I'd buy it anyway as it left me rather cold when I played it on the 360 and I think that they really need to make changes for the next edition.

If they bring Tatsunoko vs Capcom over to the west I'll forgive them though.
I kind of feel the same way. Capcom was awesome when the Wii first launched, releasing ports of good games like RE:4 or Okami and new IPs like Zack & Wiki. They really haven't moved on from there though and their recent titles have been subpar to say the least.

It wouldn't bother me too much if they did just reuse the RE:4 engine for RE:5, as the games are not really that different other than the inclusion of online and co-op. I doubt I'd buy it anyway as it left me rather cold when I played it on the 360 and I think that they really need to make changes for the next edition.

If they bring Tatsunoko vs Capcom over to the west I'll forgive them though.

See that lil bolded text? That's why I'm on the fence with them. I don't care if they release the entire RE series on Wii, if they do a sloppy job and just tack on motion control as an excuse for a port I won't buy. I won't support lazy developers anymore.
You guys do realize TvC IS coming to the west right? I thought it wouldn't, but I was wrong.
You guys do realize TvC IS coming to the west right? I thought it wouldn't, but I was wrong.

Yeah I made a thread about it. But I don't overhype anything until its official. But it does seem like it's coming.
A few members of Wii chat argued that this couldnt be....I always felt optimistic

The source is Reuters Japan.

This game was once said impossible on Wii and that not even the title screen could be done.

My 2 cents:
I had speculated that once the sales of PS360 versions of RE5 & SF IV were maximized for a few months (in order to make back the money spent to make them) that maybe then (cheaper) Wii versions would be announced. I mean, you wouldn't want to announce either of those games on Wii and hurt potential PS360 sales until after yo made our money back on them.

Yes, my friend I hope they finnaly release RE5 and DR2 for Wii the next year.
Now let me explain something:
If you look that Capcom did with the GC and now with the Wii, you can see they're working to improve and fit his engines to Nintendo Consoles, from RE:Remake to RE:Darkside Chronicles you see a great improvement, this technology called ACM was using since DKC on SNES and later apeared in some GC games Like the RE series and Star Wars: Rogue Leader, Rebel Estrike from Fator5. I think this tecnology is the best to make photorealistic graphics like the xbox360/ps3 on Nintendo consoles and this is evolutioning, in the first games the graphics looks opaque, but in the last games the graphics looks sharp and cristal clear. The Capcom team are experimenting with some engines on Wii and when they find the best, they will use this adapting it to the MT framework engine and also supporting the Wii hardware, that is why RE:DC looks like a xbox360 game and Capcom discovered that using this engine allows to adapt his AAA games to the Wii without a sacrifice for hardware limitations.
I think if Dead Rising:CTYD would be made with these graphics, today the game should has sales sucess. I think this technology must be the STANDARD for all Wii games and used for all developers to push the most of the Wii hardware and we will have great quality titles.
RE 5 simply can't be put on the Wii.

Graphic wise there would be a small drop. stickmode is right about the improved graphics engine but it will never be as good as the PS3 or 360.

Then theirs the size of the data. SSBB has, to date, the most data put in a Wii game. They wanted to put more but simply ran out of room for the data. Now consider all the stuff in SSBB. RE 5 alone trumps that. There's simply no way without taking out some features, but that would take away from the RE 5 experience.
There can not be an RE 5 on the Wii. Period.

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