101 Megamix Days of Christmas

Wii News

Wii News Blog
Oct 10, 2009

Like parties? Always wanted 101 random activities to fulfill such parties with? Well the European publisher Nordcurrent, of the hit DS bonanza that is 101-in-1 Explosive Megamix have now announced that the fun will be progressing from the handset to the Nintendo Wii in late October.

Perfectly galloping to the front in preparation for the fun-fest surrounding Christmas, 101-in-1 Explosive Megamix Wii will provide a potential long living game, giving gamers the opportunity to work on various channels of the game, from sports to shooting down crocodiles, to unlock even more things to play.​

At £29.99 for the UK release of the brand new 101 games (you didn’t think they’d just port over the DS game, did you?), at 30p a game, I don’t think there’s too much to complain about.

Weathers getting chilly already, so chances are a lot of time we’ll be spent in due to the depressing Wintry drizzle, so there’s always the option flop in the Megamix with the family and friends, and have a laugh at Christmas.