Best Bundle For MotionPlus


Not at the table Carlos
Jun 1, 2009
Wii Online Code
Just an opinion, kind of a poll. Which game+motionplus bundle is the best.
Like which game shows the most difference with and without motionplus and what is the best game overall?
There's not much choice in the bundles at the moment. Europe has Grand Slam Tennis and North America has Tiger Woods PGA 2010. I bought the Tiger Woods bundle as it saved me $15.

The general concensus seems to be that Tiger Woods has the better use of WMP, at least until Wii Sports Resort is released in a couple of weeks.
IGN said tigerwood 10 beats wii sports 2 with the motion plus

Wii sports2 will get boring Quick wii play=boring wii=sports=boring=wii music=boring=wii fit= boring so wii sports2 must be boring
if u have those game you probly dont play them Fact!
IGN said tigerwood 10 beats wii sports 2 with the motion plus

Wii sports2 will get boring Quick wii play=boring wii=sports=boring=wii music=boring=wii fit= boring so wii sports2 must be boring
if u have those game you probly dont play them Fact!

The IGN AU review probably scored WSR far too low. They scored Wii Sports low too, it's part of the 'casual games can't get good scores' attitude.

Despite being very basic, I'd imagine that I've had more play time on Wii Sports (mostly bowling) than I have a lot of other much higher rated games. WSR is basically just more of the same so I'd expect it to get a lot of party use. A lot of people still probably play Wii Sports and Wii Fit too (there is a reason for them being amongst the biggest selling games this gen, with Wii Sports being the biggest selling of all time). Just because you don't play them doesn't make it a fact for everyone else.

Having played Tiger Woods and GST, I would have to say that TW has the better M+ controls. GST controls pretty well too (can't understand why some people have found it difficult) but TW is defintely more solid.

I have WSR preordered and can't wait to play it (especially table tennis, swordfighting and jetski). I think that those 3 M+ games (TW, GST, WSR) should keep my M+ busy until Red Steel 2 comes out.
Im going to pick up Wii sports resort for motionplus. All the "sports" on WSR look extremely fun, and Im a big fan of the first wii sports, so I think this will be good for me, as well as anyone else who enjoyed the first one.