best deal ever!

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  • #16
WiiZero said:
Yeah tell me when you get that in the mail lol

I received them yesterday (monday) the shipping was hella fast!

Conditions of the discs are almost Perfect... like new!

but I don't know what I'm going to do with them... I might just beat them hella fast ( until this weekend) and then take all of them + 4 GC that I don't play anymore and go at the ebgames and buy a PS3 60gb for 399$ CANADIAN!

it's gonna be a great deal after all!
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  • #17
The_Loose_Cannon said:
regardless of the games, those are 50$ a piece! thats a great find.

betcha the seller stole those from someone though LMAO! guarenteed (sorry cops intuition you dont sell 6 games for 70$ IMO)

that was my first tought... or it's a scam! but it turned out to be the best deal I made on ebay!

I don't know what to do... sell them on ebay individually or do that ps3 deal!
Let_It_Burn said:
that was my first tought... or it's a scam! but it turned out to be the best deal I made on ebay!

I don't know what to do... sell them on ebay individually or do that ps3 deal!

lmao hey you scored big time! if you sell them individually, you should do like 10% off or something some sort of "deal" so you get some phenominal deal (those games arent rare thats why i said something like 10%)

ps3 deal aint a bad idea either! :ihih:

video game master said:
1 day later cops come to your door and see your games weren't bought =p

lmao nah, theres a paper trail with ebay. he bought them and hes a patsy :) theres nothing we can do to him it would be the seller. youre in the clear :thumbsup:
*eraces e-bay data* *edits fbi most wanted list*
mwuahahaha (If you're not from the U.S. it is likely you won't get most of these)
1) Let_It_Burn (stealing wii games)
2) George Bush (stupidity)
3) Britney Spears (Insanity)
4) Bill Gates (Monopoly)
5) Donald Trump (A little old for his wife)
6) Mario (He's a pryomaniac)
7) Micky Mouse (Snuck his name onto the 2004 ballot without being represented)
8) Osdin Benladin (We think he is a gay terriost...thats why he lives in a hole)
9) Mary Poppings (We just don't like her)
10) Iran (They don't listen to our cutoff dates for nuclear stuff so we may bring in Super Nanny on the case)
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  • #21
video game master said:
*eraces e-bay data* *edits fbi most wanted list*
mwuahahaha (If you're not from the U.S. it is likely you won't get most of these)
1) Let_It_Burn (stealing wii games)
2) George Bush (stupidity)
3) Britney Spears (Insanity)
4) Bill Gates (Monopoly)
5) Donald Trump (A little old for his wife)
6) Mario (He's a pryomaniac)
7) Micky Mouse (Snuck his name onto the 2004 ballot without being represented)
8) Osdin Benladin (We think he is a gay terriost...thats why he lives in a hole)
9) Mary Poppings (We just don't like her)
10) Iran (They don't listen to our cutoff dates for nuclear stuff so we may bring in Super Nanny on the case)


I decided to relist them on ebay...! lol I've sold 2 games yet and made more than the whole package cost me lol!

after selling all them, I'm going to buy the ps3 lol!
^ the PS3? LAMO! why the PS3 if you need another system i reccomend the Atari then the PS3 at least atari had good classics like pong. :)

You saw the top of the game, but not the bottom.:shifty:
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