Need Waw Friend.

If you want to add me my waw fc is: 4211-3590-3495. My wiu console: 5278-4481-4774-5710.
If you do please pm me so i can add you back.
Modern Warfare Reflex Team

Looking for ppl to team with. Add if your at least somewhat good. :rolleyes1:
CODMWR fc: 4604 9021 2929. pm me if you add so i can add back =D
Cod mwr friend code

Alright cod mwr: 4567-2663-9910 my kill to death is almost 1:1 i don't exactly care who I play with skillwise as long as they don't noobtube. Tell me if you add me.

And I added quite a few ppl on here working backwards sooo
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addd now for cod4

heyy guyz this is SID o cod4 reflex my kd is 1.25 and 28 killstreak and 1st prestige 55 and do quick scopes and my kd s 406946604338 add and give me your kd and im making a clan called BOMB. so add.....
Hey people. My name is Daniel. Add me but when you do let me know

Wii Console: 3531-3853-7450-6688

COD MW R: 2889-7662-5289

The Conduit: 0131-6184-4479

Mario Kart Wii: 3696-4221-7435

SSBB: 5113-7600-5856
hello all

hello all i want more friends with call of duty modern warfare reflex =D me friend code is

0062-2070-3246 add me plz .

me name is (sander) i'm always online.