Countdown From A Million


Can it truly be?!? A new Project M player? Now we just have to wait for Splash_King.....that'll take a while.
Looks like it!
I already watched a tutorial on how to set it up lol
So yeah now Imma waitin on Splash_King

In vBrawl? I'd say I play a decent Marth in vBrawl. Project M changed him to the point in which I can't use him anymore, though.

Zelda's actually usable in P:M. The improvements t' Din's Fire are mighty fun to abuse.

Now we just have to wait for Splash_King.....that'll take a while.

'Ey, blame Dropbox for bein' slow. ¬_¬ For once, the bad punctuality isn't actually my fault. Who'd of thought... >_>;

but yeah I mostly play as Zelda, Marth & Link.
Link has been improved a lot. You'll see. He's no longer as bottom-tier as he used to be.

'Ey, blame Dropbox for bein' slow. ¬_¬ For once, the bad punctuality isn't actually my fault. Who'd of thought... >_>;
MR had the same reason.....what is this? P:M's official site and Dropbox being down when a new player is about to show up? Why does life hate me?