Favorite Drink

Beer: JD And Coke

Normal Drink: Oasis Summer Fruits

Starbucks Coffee!!!
I only drink home brew if Im actually tired though!
depends. i have alot of favorites lol. ill narrow it down a bit though:
Pepsi Co: MT. Dew
Coke Co: Vault
Energy Drink: Bawls
Milk: Chocolate (preferably Meyers. (Not Meijers))
Root Beer: sprecher (THE BEST ROOTBEER EVER!!!!)

they are all my favorites and could never choose between them
Okay here goes..

For just normal every day it has to be:


For a bbq in the house/garden or a house party or if I go out it's:


And if I go out to a gig, or sometimes I just fancy it it's:


But haven't really touched the bow since...a...not so nice experience :shifty: