Favorite Hunter

Well since I'm pretty much a sniper whore in all FPS, it's gotta be Trace. Sooner or later, I need to improve my SFing (Noxus of course) and quick weapon changing, when I get that down, I'll probably start prefering Noxus.

When me and some friends first played, we did some DL play on a cart that we borrowed off someone. That meant I was Samus and so were two others, except the guy who was using the cart to host. All the other games he was Samus as well to be fair, but then when he played as Trace, I was just like wtf is this? He could go stealth, picking up affinity gives him the imp and his alt form tackle does 50 damage, meaning 2HKO. After a bit of playing, I'm sorta getting used to playing against Trace and he's not THAT bad anymore.
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