FFXIII Trailer

This pains me. The fact that such great looking games coming out for a system that has almost literally no exclusives that I would want.

I was thinking of getting a 360 at some point in the future. I hope they decide to port these titles over to it. Otherwise, they will be sadly missed by me.

Also, does anyone else think that they have a slightly FF8 feel? (well the first trailer, the second one looks more like it should be part of Kingdom Hearts).
That game has been pushed to a 2009 release. You are in for a wait.
I am looking forward to this game, like I have done so for every other FF game. :lol:
But seriously, I mainly bought a PS3 for FFXIII and MGS4, so you can bet that I will be looking forward to them. :lol:
Saw these trailers yesterday! They look brilliant, reeeeally can't wait.

I think Versus is going to have a sort of Kingdom Hearts battle system, Squall7. Heard that somewhere, can't remember where.
2009 is very far off and knowing SquarEnix, that will probably come out in fall 2009 or mid 2010. The game literally had to be perfect in all respects by that time.
elmo_999 said:
I was never a big FF fan.

Wow, what an inspirational post. My day is fufilled for discovering such awesome piece of information!

Any way...

I'm getting sick of SE releasing the same crap with 2 seconds of new stuff, which is really stuff we've basically seen any way. Personally I'd rather them not release anything if they're going to tease like that.

With that said I'm loving FXIII's style, it's got a really neat sci-fi meets fantasy look to it that doesn't feel forced kind of like FFX was with machina. I'm also really liking how Lightning looks, she's not overly cute or overly sexualized like most heroines in jrpgs these days.

Also Shiva looks totally awesome, but I'm confused...is she two people now?

Versus on the other hand looks like an uninspired piece of generic rpg crap. It's got a totally uninteresting looking character that looks like every other typical, effeminate, and annoying teenage jrpg hero. The world seems to be stolen straight from KH, except made more boring.
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From what I understand the games are completely unrelated but take place in the same universe. How lame. They should intertwine the games to reveal more subplot. Reward people who buy both of the games.

The theme of XIII looks to be hundreds of people vs one eh? I think I spotted a Bahamut airship too >.> whats next, an Ifrit tricycle?

Atm I think Versus looks alot more enticing.
I am looking forward to this game, like I have done so for every other FF game.
But seriously, I mainly bought a PS3 for FFXIII and MGS4, so you can bet that I will be looking forward to them.

Same reason I got one._. I dont think theres any other reason worth buying a PS3 for=X
En4Neo said:
Versus on the other hand looks like an uninspired piece of generic rpg crap. It's got a totally uninteresting looking character that looks like every other typical, effeminate, and annoying teenage jrpg hero. The world seems to be stolen straight from KH, except made more boring.
Luckily, I LOVE KH... So I'm extremely excited about it, and I love when he's going down the building... Best bit in KH! Looks more amazing in the FFXIIIVersus trailer... I'm so excited. lol