I LOL'd at this news story

Ban myspace - its obviously producing deranged killers...

(bah - annoyed manhunt 2 is banned)
Only thing funny about it was the name where his school was 'Floyds Knobs'.

How can you laugh at a cop being killed another seriously injured?

And he didn't update his myspace page.. he just sent a message, probably a bulletin.
wtf did he do it probably stoned um....where does its say on the myspcae blog about it
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surfinrach90 said:
How can you laugh at a cop being killed another seriously injured?
I'm not laughing at them. I laugh at the snot that was too weak to deal with his problems.

Only the weakest of people turn to firearms for violence (defense and hunting not included).

I wish he didn't die from his wounds... so he would have to suffer the consequences :devil::lol:
When a guy kills one cop and severely injures the other cop its nothing to laugh about.
This was stupid, it shows how more kids will kill themselves just to be popular and have a lot of people see their myspace page..myspace should die.