Londoners Get 'Text-A-Loo' Service


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code

At this

You know how it is: big city, lost, and you’re bursting for a wee and can you find a toilet? Can you heck! Londoners however will never have to pee behind a dumpster again thanks to a new, if somewhat bizarre, initiative from Westminster City Council, which will allow those caught short to text a new service that will tell where the nearest public toilet is. I kid you not.
For 25p – yes 25p – you can text the SatLav service on 80097 with the word 'toilet' and it will pinpoint your location and then tell you which of the 32 public toilets is nearest. You’ll be happy to know that most of the toilets are free to use and you will be helping to reduce the estimated 10,000 gallons of urine that flow through London’s busy heart each year.
Alternatively, you can just go into a pub or MacDonald’s like everyone else.-Martin Lynch

LOL 25p to spend a penny