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WiiChat Member
Aug 16, 2010
Hello. If you're a Wii owner, chances are you're aware of the Wii Shop Channel. In it, you can buy all sorts of old Nintendo games from consoles like NES, SNES and N64. You can also buy games from third party consoles, like Sega Genesis, Commodore 64 and NEOGEO. There are also Wii originals that you can buy, and even new channels. If you haven't been there before, I suggest you do. Now, if you're a newcomer to the Wii Shop Channel, that is, you have been there for less than 30 days, here's a chance to get 500 Wii points. You may have noticed the Connection Ambassador thing at the lower corner of the starting screen. If you click there (which I'm sure you already have, but just in case you haven't), you find that if you send me your friend code, and I send you mine, we can both get 500 Wii points. Interested?

My friend code is: 3848 2357 1503 7001

When you are buying online you do have the choice of buying a brand new or slightly used DSi. If you do decide to go brand new you can expect to pay nearly full price for your console. Those looking to save some extra cash can turn to sites that sell slight used, nearly new consoles. This will actually save you about $75 to $100 if you can find the right seller!