Nintendo DS WiFi Friends Code

you want a game battles?

292145 380358

there's mine, let's go!
okay, connecting now....

EDIT: im searching for friends, but your name isn't showing up.
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i realize im double posting, but do you want to play or not, Battles?
my FCs are:
Tetris: 496443 993933
Custom Robo Arena: 0559 3150 3818
MKDD: 219140 260227
MP:H: 0301 6170 0273
DKR: 214845 626875
SFC: 042 738 139 550

man i love having money now :) (finaly got a job :) )

PM me your FC and the game its for if you add me and/or want to play me (i JUST got these games so i probably will suck lol)
huh my ip..... oh yeah now i remember idk my animal crossing one so heres da mario kart one kay

MARIO KART:064521454312 :)
huh my ip..... oh yeah now i remember idk my animal crossing one so heres da mario kart one kay

MARIO KART:064521454312
dude add me to ur freinds list i want to play bad

Marthmaster said:
I play Mario Kart DS if anyone wants to play. when my bro gets wifi for his wii (he has his wii) i'll play anyone. here's my info:
name: 2good4ya
code: 498278-549145

MARIO KART:064521454312

tats my ip now go freaken add me tis my first time adding a freind to wifi soooo please
damn is there a damn damn damn way to know if a blogger or user is online
Metroid Hunters Info:

Name: Ark Angel

PM me if you have added me.
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