

Game Wiizard
Feb 7, 2007
Wii Online Code
Sorry to trick you but I was wondering, do you think we need a team of reviewers so people have a reference to go to before selecting a game to purchase? I don't mean to brag but I have a lot of games so I would like to be part of it with 4 others. As of now you will be in no way recieving cash and I think it will stay that way.
At the moment I have 7 GC games and only WiiSport and WiiPlay specificly for the Wii but I am definitly gona buy more and have access to Wii games through renting them like everyone else. Plus I am a writer (ie: 20, 21 this year) and hope to have my first story published by April this year (just waiting to hear back atm) so I would definitly like to be apart of a group of reviewers :D

Oh, I am in Australia though, if that matters at all.

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Well could someone ask a mod
On the Show, we begin our review segment with our next episode. That episode should be out tomorrow. If you want reviews, be sure to check it out! We are reviewing ExciteTruck in the new episode.

If we wanna review games then I say lets just do it. I'd rather do just written reviews with pictures myself - mainly because with uni and other work commitments I'm not gona have time to do video reviews. So why don't we just write some and post em here in the Nintendo Wii Gaming Forums?

Sure, there are other people already doing some, but I know I never just read just one review before buying a game - its always good to have more than one opinion.
We have a review system in place but has been on the back burner recently (its currently only visible to staff).

I guess if enough people expressed an interest i could finish it off and make it visible on the site.