Saddam to Be Hung Tonight!


The Crusher
May 21, 2006

Official: Saddam to be executed tonight
BAGHDAD, Iraq - The official witnesses to Saddam Hussein's impending execution gathered Friday in Baghdad's fortified Green Zone in final preparation for his hanging, as state television broadcast footage of his regime's atrocities. The Iraqi government readied all the necessary documents, including a "red card" -- an execution order introduced during Saddam's dictatorship.

The big questions are
Who is presenting
What band is playing
Is it gona be on youtube
What music will be playing
Will there be a count down (With the music from countdown)
Darkprinny said:
The big questions are
Who is presenting Saddam Huessin I suppose
What band is playing Probably one of those mexican groups that go from table to table at the Olive Garden
Is it gona be on youtube Within time I suppose Steve Irwins death is going to be on their soon
What music will be playingOh Happy Day
Will there be a count down (With the music from countdown)I think Dick Clark might be their to sync the event with the New Year
Have to insert 4 damn chacters
Have you ever seen the South Park movie where they execute Terrance and Philip at the big concert? Something tells me it will be just like that except instead of Big Gay Al it will be George Micheal or Elton John.
I'm not sure that's the kind of link to be posted on this site, but heck, who am I to say what is and what is not allowed on this site?