Seekers of the Lost Treasure - RP Sign Up Thread

Well, I cant post until others post. Bodine, give t some time. This is the first day.
I'm gonna quote a gamestop comercial on this one. This is for the prologe.
*A White Rabit jumping collecting 1 coin at a time jumping over enemies then all of a sudden he falls in a pitfall & comes to this room that is from one side to the other filled with coins you can't see anything but the rabbit & coins. The rabit say:"HOLY S**T!"

Thats is what i think of the prologe. Damn that's long.
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  • #259
Now accepting new members.
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  • #260
So I put the RP on hold. Which is best so when Second Chance is over Seekers will be the only RP. Since we're waiting for Second Chance, I'm allowing more users to make SUs.
sorry for not being on...i've been pretty busy lately. I do think post-poning this is the best thing to do, now i need to go read the 8 new pages of bayne's rp damit.
Idk. We were gonna wait till Seekers is over too, but now Bodine stopped it. Ugh....
i was planning on opening the Realms 2 SU thread after one of these ended, then actually starting after the other was over. this way, people could plan for Realms 2 and when we would start, it would be the only RP going on.
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  • #267
I might just wait till Second Chance meets some half-way point or something. What really kilked it is that Gigs hasn't been able to get on much and CG Reaper dissapeared.
I read the Rp.Awsome post guyz.I didnt post cause its on hold for another RP.