Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 help needed.


WiiChat Member
Dec 21, 2007
Me and some people are playing this game and we are having trouble putting. We hit it as hard as we can but it seems like the hardest we can hit it is the same distance as it is from the hole. This is getting really annoying and aggravating, so if anyone has any advice to adding more power to putting I would really be thankful.

i had this game, seemed pretty much random to me when it came to how hard you hit your ball. sorry i cant be more help.
When your close to the hole and you play a hard putt, the game thinks, "According to my not-so-reliable information from the Wiimote, the player has just hit the ball hard enough to go 34 feet. I have had unreliable information in the past, it is entirely possible that the player only meant to hit it 2 feet but there has been in error in the information passed onto me. Most people would only want to hit it 2 feet so I'll just pretend the player on did a gentle putt."

As to hitting a hard putt and the ball not going far enough, Tiger Woods 07 judges the power of a swing on the 'Length of Time the Backswing takes' and the 'Force of the downswing'. This is the same for putting and driving. So when you drive you swing back for a certain amount of time and swing through quite hard to get it at 110% power. To hit a putt that hard you need to swing back for the same amount of time and swing through just as hard. In real life when you putt you wouldn't dream of doing this but its what you got to do to get results in this game.
it depends on the players putting if it like at 4 and you hit it your hardest it wont go to far compared if your putting was 9..