True or False

next poster is Kedar

@el zilcho- Playing on patriotism isnt fair :nono:
If I was ARav989, I'd say True. But unfortunately, I'm not. So, False.
Lol, I was going to buy one. I'm still not sure.. It was either, a Digital
Camera, or an iPod Touch.

The next poster is so cute. LMAO!
el-zilcho said:
true a jack russel

next posters favourite sport is football (soccer)
so do i

false...i think????

next poster is definately a major gigantours hunter
Yup, my beute, teh BOX

next person never saw it coming
frue .. I mean tralse !

@tails . Dude patrionism never came into it , its just that rugby players are pretty tuff !

@ox : oh yeah ha ha what a cute pooch u got !

Next poster has an irrational fear of something really daft
False? I find my fear of spiders to be logical. They have eight friggin' legs. I don't understand why I shouldn't be afraid of them :lol:

Next poster likes The Lion King :)