What would it be like if Sony made a brawl like game?

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can anybody think of some more ideas?
PA RAPPA THE RAPPER, a BluRay disc level, shitty digital cameras to throw at each other and Xplode speakers that hurt your oppents ears but don't last very long.
if either sony or microsoft made a game like SSB they would probably make it 3rd person game so you could walk atound freely insted of a sidescroller which i think would be awesome!
I wouldn't buy it, probably.

A huge appeal to me of the SSB series is the characters within it, and I grew up with Nintendo characters. The other characters just don't appeal to me as much.
Hey i got one!
They could make one with like rappers in it?
They made one for the ps2 did'nt they?
It was just rappers wrestling eachother in some underground place, except this time, they would have gun's, and they'd be at different stage each rapper has performed on.
AAAAAnd, they could turrn ssj and stuff......
Well I will say this:
Dante and Kratos beat the living hell out of Mario and Link...

I'd buy it.
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Link would beat up Tails anyday.
and I want to ask a question to everyone
what are your favourite characters from the list that I put up?
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  • #28
Sonic has been on Playstation with Sonic Mega Collection, Sonic Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Riders, and Sonic the Hedgehog (PS3). Also Sonic did have an exclusive game on the PSP called Sonic Rivals.
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My favourite character from Final Fantasy is either Penelo,Vaan or Cloud (Haven't played FF 7 before but have played Kingdom Hearts)
My least favourite character from Final Fantasy is Tidus. He's really anoying.
That would be horrid. Only nintendo has the amount of first party characters to make the game possible. Just recently have they run out really good first party characters and has decided to steal from third party companies. Even so there are many unused characters that are side characters like Krystal from Star Fox.