where can i get a wii?

I got mine online from toy r us, one them damn bundle thingys. I'm too lazy and don't have the time to camp out somewhere :).

Your best bet is to go to one of the chain stores (Best Buy, Toys R Us) 1+ hrs before opening on a Sunday. Preferably a location that's more rural/remote where there's fewer people that go to that store. Good luck!
Yes, http://itrackr.com is definitely something one should do. I did use them, and they're better than just calling around blindly. But recently stores have been hoarding actual available stock for weekend sales etc. so I got a lot of false positives.

I also signed up for email/cellphone alerts from http://wiialerts.com which covers lots of online stores. This was much less painful and very accurate. Couple of weeks back I picked up two(okay not for eBay, just myself and someone else). Today I got alerts for circuitcity.com and amazon. I'd have jumped on both if i didn't already have them. I just picked up 2 from amazon coz it was free shipping and no tax. just too good a deal to pass up. I made 2 more friends happy, they better be thankful!!