Why is my private messaging not enabled?

idk. i just tried to send you a PM and it said the same thing. hmm. i guess you will have to wait until i0n can fix it


^ ^ ^ You ^ ^ ^
I can pm
just made a sig for someone
Darkprinny said:
I can pm
just made a sig for someone
Does it involve Hentai or Canaries (or whatever the hell those birds you're always using)?
+Maniacal=Maniac+ said:
Heres What It Says When I Try To PM Someone.

+Maniacal=Maniac+, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

What'd I Do!?

i get this message (obviously diffrent user name) often when using IE7 when trying to post or PM. hardly ever when using firefox?????????
captainff said:
i get this message (obviously diffrent user name) often when using IE7 when trying to post or PM. hardly ever when using firefox?????????
IE7 has a lot of trouble, they need to straighten up, Firefox owns them atm.
do you have more than 75 messages in your inbox/sent folders? if so it wont allow you to send anything because you reached the max ammount of messages.

if that doesnt seem to be the case, yes, you need more posts but you have 37??? that should be more than plenty. after about 10? or so? i was able to send PMS from what i remember. i could be wrong on the number but i know with 30 someodd posts you should be able to send something

very strange. maybe the server is just down by you. sometimes that happens and within a few moments it will be all fixed and youll say outloud "oh gee NOW it works!"