WiFi friend codes


Apr 30, 2006
Do you think it would be a good idea to have a friends code section in the profiles or possibly display them under the avatar somewhere?

Im not too familiar with them though, do you get one universal code or are you assigned one each time you play a specific game?
Do you mean Wii or DS? For the Wii, hellz yesh. That would be awesome, perhaps they could have online communities with Miis on the Wii, like we all go to your system and hang out! That would be awesome...woah, I think I'm thinking to far out of the box!
But the whole reason for Friend codes is so you can play against people you trust, like for instance if my Animal Crossing code is up there then someone could come and wreck my island.

Or if my daughter is playing online then someone could get my code and start cussing which is the last thing I want.

I like how with Nintendo you can go online but when without a friend code you can only communicate with certain words.
Don't you have to accept the person for them to be your friend, so whats the problem?
some games would benifit from the friend code system, some others could do with out it.
the system is ideal on the ds if your at school age and every other kid has a ds, yet i only know one other person who owns a ds and thats not even a "real world" friend, only an online one, the same will happen for the wii, the only way around it is forums and sites displaying the codes, even then its down to both players if they'll accept each other.
some of the games due for realise on the wii (and many on other formats too) positively encourage online play, in fact some will be more aimed at online gaming rather than single player so why complicate the whole process?
friend codes should only really be used on games aimed for the younger user where online security is an issue, not to some of the more mature titles.
the only other option is some kind of age verification system, however, how that'd work i dont know