Wii Sports High Scores

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  • #138
Sorry guys for the mishap.
Great score MarcilioBrasil! Once I get over 47 I find it really hard to hit the target but 62 - Holy Cow!
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  • #139
High Score Numbers

1st - Bowling - 91 High Scores
2nd - Tennis - 82 High Scores
3rd - Baseball - 77 High Scores
4th - Golf - 74 High Scores
5th - Boxing - 69 High Scores

TOTAL - 393 High Scores!

Keep them coming everyone.
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Platinum on Hitting the Green?

:p Has anyone got a platinum on hitting the green? I just posted 88.4 feet (that's about 26.9 meters for those of you playing in metric). But that's STILL not a platinum. Soooo then what is platinum? Anyway, some of my other scores:

Tennis target practice:
Platinum - 45

Bowling Power throws:
Platinum - 740

Bowling Spin Control:
Platinum - 20

that's all I've got. My nunchuck is broken so I guess I won't be posting any boxing records anytime soon :p
Willy my friend, I broke my record three times already...
My record on TImming your Swing is 65 now.

Please, update my record on your list..

CrakGenius said:
:p Has anyone got a platinum on hitting the green? I just posted 88.4 feet (that's about 26.9 meters for those of you playing in metric). But that's STILL not a platinum. Soooo then what is platinum?

I think I read that less than 55 feet is platinum. My best... well, go check the listings :ciappa:
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  • #146
MarcilioBrasil said:
Willy my friend, I broke my record three times already...
My record on TImming your Swing is 65 now.

Please, update my record on your list..


You do realise I don't sit at my computer all day waiting for a post to come in, then when one does, jump up and down 3 times, clap my hands and update my first post.
Returning Balls - 51 - Gold
Timing your Swing - 28 - Silver
Target Practice - 20 - Gold

Hitting Home Runs - 10 - 5358' - Gold
Swing Control - 65 - Platinum
Batting Practice - 30 - Platinum

Picking up Spares - 17 - Gold
Power Throws - 732 - Platinum
Spin Control - 13 - Silver

Putting - 9 - Silver
Hitting the Green -160.7' - Gold (It says gold but doesn't match up to what other people have)'
Target Practice - 650 - Gold

Working the Bag - 26 - Silver
Dodging - 81 - Gold
Throwing Punches - 42 - Silver