Wii Sports (Tennis) Battiling Pros


Feb 25, 2007
Wii Online Code
Ok I have about 550 skill points in tennis, but i am going against Pro's all the time! The match that I just finished, one of my opponents were 2000! I mean how the hell can I beat that? Does the game consider me that much of a threat that it has to throw massive Pro's at me to defeat??

Anyone else dealing with this?
It did always pin me against higher levels right from the get go. When I first started out I would just smash the lowers levels so badly they would just start me off with higher levels.

If you get the power serve down it's so easy to beat the lower skill levels
Like all the Wii-Sport games they try to set you up with opponents at your level. So if you defeated the computer guys 40-Love then they will rate you at a higher opponent. If you win barely, 40A-40 then you will likely play the same guys again.

Same applies in baseball, and boxing. If you make the other team forfit in baseball you will play a much harder team. Its just the way the game trys to love you.
Ahh their easy, I've had to beat those 2000 guys from 1200 skill total to 2103 skill total.
Same thing happens to me, but I find it fairly easy to keep winning.
You know thats one of the worst things for me on Wii sports. My cousin and I play tennis like every night and were past the Pro level but we have to play agianst the same 2 chicks over and over..... the black chick and the chick with the purple shirt.... it sucks and you never play against anyone higher skill level than that so your points go up like 10- 15 at a time if you even get any points. Would be nice if they atleast switched up the opponents atleast.......
My level is at around 2400..I've stopped playing for a while..I was playing the same two over and over and over..I heard a while back that at some point you reach the last opponent and if you are victorious you get a silver racquet..anyone heard this or received? Where does it end?
I read that your supposed to get the silver racquet after you get pro status but I never got it so I dunno
Think said:
I read that your supposed to get the silver racquet after you get pro status but I never got it so I dunno
me neither dude..i got the alternative bowling ball, but no silver racquet..whatever i suppose.
I hate Wii Tennis now cos the Pros saty the same after you reach 2000, it's **** versing the same champs the whole time with the same Skill level!

Yea i am pissed bout that aswell!!!

But i have bout 2100 skill but i have no silver racket atleast it is silver and i can't be fcuked to notice :wtf: but i have the sparkling bowling ball.

One quick question, did anyone reach pro in baseball i can only reach bout 910 and then the opponent's get too HARD!!!!
so your all pissed eh ?

how about the fact that the 2 highest ranked computer players are chicks :wtf:

like thats gonna happen in real life, whos responsible for this deliberate attack on my manhood ? :mad5:
how about the fact that the 2 highest ranked computer players are chicks

like thats gonna happen in real life, whos responsible for this deliberate attack on my manhood ?

Haha...Can't you beat them!!!