2v2 fun


Poe Hunter
Jan 25, 2009
california more specific pico rivera
Wii Online Code
here is brawl thread that is meant just for fun, please bring no violence or hate here :] <--- just those and maybe some of these :p



Everyone must have a team member to be a part of this league, those who do not, let me know and i will post a free agent list. one of the points to this league is getting better and having fun, therefore the team must consist of one crappy to ok player and one good to expert player. this will also create a nice family experience and we will all grow together.

Here is the team/person format

[team name]
[team member#1][team member #2]

have at least one row blank to separate team info from personal info.

[team member# 1 in-game-name/ tags]
[team member # 1 FC]

have at least one row blank to separate team info from personal info.

[team member# 2 in-game-name/ tags]
[team member # 2 FC]


Matches will consist of a best of two rounds out of three. it will be 3 stock. there will be no time limit but if anyone is caught stalling they will be suspended from this league. not items. you must have one team matches a month to stay an active league member, if this is an issue for you pm me or sho(birdman) and let us know. members must arrange everything a day prior to the match, this includes time, stage and team color.

Fun Matches

Fun Matches are exactly as the name implies just for fun. they do not count as official matches but they have more fun to them. you have have as many or as few weapons as you want but Bankers must be included because everyone knows how fun they are right? there is no set amount you have to play. this is in all ways optional.

Here Are the Teams

Team Dino Brawlers

Member #1 JonRyan Member #2 birdmasterLV100


Team Black Ice

Member#1 pichu2k7 Member#2 slink


Genova Blue

Member#1 RedXIII101 member#2 Skulljoke


team Unknown #2
member#1 Mcl member#2 generalsma


Squeeky-Clean Fantabulous Executioners

Member#1 Bio Member#2 real-o


The CKingz
SSBfreakCK, Kingslayer

Tag(s): CK
FC: 3007-7819-5661

Tag(s): King

Free Agents

Great Alex?
Luigi Man?

our schedules​
*JonRyan- rarely- after 4 Pm pacific time.

Tuesdays- *JonRyan -rarely after 4 Pm pacific time.

Wednesdays- *JonRyan rarely- after 4 Pm pacific time.

Thursdays- *JonRyan rarely- after 4 Pm pacific time.

Fridays- *JonRyan rarely- after 4 Pm pacific time.

Saturdays- *JonRyan- most of the time- anything but nights.

Sundays- *JonRyan- most of the time- all day

let me know how you want your schedule to look like and i'll post.

Current Rankings

1st. Team CKings- 1-0
2nd- Squeeky-Clean Fantabulous Executioners 0-0
3rd- Genova Blue 0-0
4th. Team Black Ice- 0-0
5th- Team Dino Brawlers 0-0
6th- Team Uknown 0-0
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  • #3
sweet i'd love for you to be my partner :]
if you can do you think since you have more rep, more friends you can kinda help out in requiting people to this thread :]
of course. i'm asking friends to see if they are interested, hopefully they are.


Lets make them smile Jonsy

Wow that was random :lol:

For this not to be spam.....

Think we should start making this more official?
Hmmm but what to add?
Also team names are a plus! :lol:
  • Thread Starter
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  • #9
haha what should our team name be??
also what can be put besides bankers ??
before they had those red flipping things but not anymore :[

maybe the soccer ball?
haha what should our team name be??
also what can be put besides bankers ??
before they had those red flipping things but not anymore :[

maybe the soccer ball?

Los Crazy Donkeys :lol:
Hmmm i have no idea i suck at name making.

& i also don't have a clue how to make it more official.
Maybe a banner?
ha ha well how about an official signature??

and i'm not good at names either but i'll give it a shot .

hmmm what do you like ?

Birds :lol:
O yea a sig would be nice
Generation Brawlers?
Generic Revolution?
Yohoho & a bottle of rum?

So many names :lol:
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  • #13
ha ha well how about team dino brawlers??
i like dinosaurs and brids did come from them.
ha and then our team can be falco and yoshi.
also i think we should have both banner and sig.
sig for teams and banner for thread :]
ha ha well how about team dino brawlers??
i like dinosaurs and brids did come from them.
ha and then our team can be falco and yoshi.
also i think we should have both banner and sig.
sig for teams and banner for thread :]

Omg i love that name!!! (Yes i like dinosaurs too!) :thumbsup:
& definitely a banner & sig :cool:

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