A comparison between using wiimote, classic & GC controller for play in VC


WiiChat Member
Jul 22, 2007
I'm here to report my comparison using the wiimote, the classic controller, and a wireless gamecube controller on playing downloaded games on the VC. So far I've only done it for Super Mario Bros.

Wiimote (sideways)--works fine, except no analog joystick, "B" key ("1") is a little less convenient. Also, it takes a little more effort to balance the remote (makes your fingers more sore.)

Classic Controller--much better fit. Easier to hold and balance. "B" key convenient. Can use analog joystick for movement, although VERY sensitive (easy to overstep.) Certainly better than Wiimote (but tethered to that Controller.)

Gamecube Controller--easiest to grasp, since it has grips allowing bottom fingers to do the holding. "B" key convenient. Analog joystick works the best since it is not too sensitive (note this is a third-party wireless controller, a Pelican, so I don't know if a Wavebird is as sensitive as Classic.) Best since not tethered to wiimote (this one was wireless.)

All and all the Gamecube controller is best although the Classic Controller is still good, and the wiimote will do a decent job (although least preferable.) I imagine certain downloaded games (SNES) the Classic is better than the GC and others the GC (N64). What I don't understand is why only the GC can work on Gamecube games (especially since the Classic has all the buttons, plus a few more.) They'd sell more Classic controllers (since there's not 3rd party carrier for that.) I believe it may have been that the Classic was released later and they hadn't foreseen the need to sync the wiimote for GC games. I really think they could change this with a simple firmware upgrade. PLEASE?
I found on super mario world for snes.

With gamecube controll that the run button is very inconviniently placed.

the jump button is B and run is X so you have to hold the control wierdly to run and jump. I cant say for Classic control as i dont have one. one ,more thing i have to add is i dont understand why you cant use wiimote to play it as there is more than enough buttons and there would be a few good layouts for it. (i just guess its a way for nintendo to make us payout for gamecube or classic controlls)

one other thing is it would be better to let us choose our buttons like control configuration.
You missed a option
One that I use
The ps2 controller (with pad converter)

Suits - All games (bar fighting pads rubbish)
Aslo any contorller with a ps2 connection works (I havent tested wheels) so joysticks are fine
Also the street fighter pad is ideal for any of them that dont use the analong stick
I've found it depends on the game. Super Mario World is practically impossible to play with a Gamecube controller, but for Super Mario 64 it works fine. I usually use either the Classic or Gamecube controller, holding the Wiimote sideways for a long time makes my fingers sore.

The reason you can only use GC controllers for GC games is because the Wii runs the game exactly like a Gamecube would.

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