A great Character to be in Brawl

Sep 24, 2006
Wii Online Code
One Great Character they could put in Brawl would Be Goku in dragon ball z!!
What do you guys think is it a great idea?!?:yesnod:
I disagree. They have their own fighting game for that, and it just doesnt seem to fit in, DBZ people get thrown through friggin 30 mountains which all explode and survive to shoot energy beams at people with their shirts ripped off every episode. Plus the graphics wouldnt fit in either. Goku would all look like hes drawn on paper and thrown in the game. Take this for example:
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there are already threads where you can discuss these ideas. please look before posting new threads. thank you:)
if any of you have seen Jump Super Stars I think you may change your mind. Goku would make a great brawler, but I will admit he wouldnt really fit in cuz hes anime...
MetroidZ said:
no more pokemon, why jiggalypuff? they should just add more characters or a fighting pokemon if they do add another pokemon.
Oh.. I thought u meant 'Goku' was a pokemon :lol: but yeah your right.. having pokemon after pokemon gets boring after awhile, when you could have better characters like.. Sonic
Wiired said:
Oh.. I thought u meant 'Goku' was a pokemon :lol: but yeah your right.. having pokemon after pokemon gets boring after awhile, when you could have better characters like.. Sonic
if theres gonna be a sonic characters it should be knuckles. i mean his name says it all. all sonic would be is a pikatchu with no thunder.
no disney charaters to wrong do you want to maintain nintendos kiddie status i dont thinks so heres an item ive thought up tho the morph sword instead of the beam sword it would morph into a swprd that suits the character good no?

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