a idea!


wii owner
May 26, 2006
Wii Online Code
i think that for the virtual console you should be able to have like a 5 minute preview of the game

try before you buy

what do you think?
Narr they will be games that we all know (and have probably played) but i wont be downloading many games (got most of the olduns i like)

Edit some one posted some thing before i finished:
Yeah like the name
the thought had already crossed my mind actually, i hope they are like cell phone games that have a limited demo period so you can try them. sure we all know some of the classics, but how about the ones we missed? it would be a nice feature of the vc.
or a mag should have demos on it or reviews of them
I can say I wouldn't know all of them just because they're older. I had about 12 NES games total but its hard to believe there aren't others out there that I'd like. Maybe there will just be a video preview before you buy like arcade machines that run a demo until someone puts a quarter in.
stu said:
i think that for the virtual console you should be able to have like a 5 minute preview of the game

try before you buy

what do you think?

I don't think so. Must people (me) will be buying MOSTLY games they played/owned growing up. The games I plan on buying, I know like the back of my hand. No five minute previews for me.
got all the games played owned when geting older

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