animal crossing FC frenzy

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Apr 6, 2009
Wii Online Code
hey, inoo this is in the wrong place but ohwell. :D

animal crossing: city friend code swaps?

name: Glo
town: London
Code: 0087-6592-1262

tell me yours NOW please... :thumbsup:
name: Donte
town: Decade
code: 0903-8777-3005

is the wrong section but im not a mod and you're new so .........
If it's in the wrong place and you know, you did this purposefully... how foolish, lol. Since you do know where the right place is (you've made around 5 or more threads there already), use that sub forum instead please.
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some might say i was making an impression on the coolest geek site...
either way if it bothers you so much please restrain reading threads like this
and it will stop you putting irrating messages onto others threads,
also preventing you looking a ''noob''.
The one looking like a n00b, is generally the one breaking the rules, no? Besides, I'm not looking for an insult contest; especially if you are.

And to be honest, the fact a rule is being broken doesn't bother me; it's moreso the fact someone is doing so purposely. I wouldn't say it's irritating me either, I actually feel compelled to do this kind of thing. Even though I havn't been on Wiichat for long, I want to keep it a clean and prosperous forum.

I believe I've asked before, but would you read the rules if you havn't, by now?
^ Rules/FAQ
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no it generally isnt actually in my oppion.
However people have different views on seeing things,
may i say so that it isnt your job to keep the forums clean so
if it bothered those who moderate this, they would say so.
and if it doesnt bother them, than it isnt your rite to ''boss around'' other users.
or in this case; give unwanted advice and/or hand out rules which are not yours to pass around...

good day to you sir.
Ya, it's true, it's obviously not my job to be enforcing the rules. However, it's common knowledge that members should help to keep their forum clean. If members didn't report things/help others with the rules/etc., Wiichat would be a dirty place, lol. Infact, all forums would be completely unorganized, filled with idiocy, and a flammer's paradise. Nobody would want to see that (besides the n00bs that cause such), correct?

Also, I'm not exactly bossing anyone around; none the less you. I simply stated that you were wrong in putting this thread in the incorrect forum purposely, no? I wasn't throwing around any nonsense or false rules, so I'm free to do something like this, yes?

Everyone to their own... this may be unwanted advice to you, but some other members might strive to become valued members of the community, not only abiding by the rules, but contributing to the forums themselves. I'm only trying to help everyone get their act together, and help them become a good member. I'm sure the moderators would atleast appreciate that part.

Oh... and about the mods not caring, a thread in the wrong area isn't exactly a terrible break of rules. Even though the rules are being broken, it's nothing as terrible as flamming, spam, etc. From what I've seen, the mods usually aren't in a huge rush to move threads to the correct forums. Noone has probably reported this thread yet, I believe. I probably should have done so, lol... I suppose it's better late than never.
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though you could say the mods may appreciate you trying to be what id describe as irrating, they could also take offence in the fact you are stealing the job that they are incharge of. and if there was no jobs for offical mods, causing them to be jobless, im sure that wouldnt make them too happy. so in many cases you are been the kind of user not only other irrated members will dislike but also moderators.

However i agree on the fact that this place would be less enjoyable if it was filled to the end with flammers, and such.. But if you consider what i stated above, im sure youll find its all taken care of without unwanted, and quite unnessary help, such as yours.

And finally i am not trying to be argumentative, well ok... maybe a bit, but i am only stating what is real on this much irrated website.

and in my oppion you are the stone in the horses hoof.
Oh no, I'm certainly not stealing their jobs, I'm only making things easier for them. I can't lock threads, I can't ban members, I can't delete/modify posts, all of the hard work is up to them. All I really do is guide members, and help keep the forums clean of rule breaking; it's unrealistic that I can purge the forums of rule breakers, but I can atleast lower the amount of them. Whether it be by reporting their major rule breaking to get them banned, or redirecting them towards the path of being a good member.

Yes, I am like a stone in a horse's hoof, so to speak. Some people can take me the wrong way, which probably happens atleast once a week. That's bound to happen though, not everyone strives to be a good member; some disregard rules completely, and don't seem to care about their fate. There are some people who think they can do whatever they want without consequences, certainly.

I certainly don't make just enemies, though. I've made friends with plenty of well behaived newbies, and some of them are contributing members of the community today. My efforts aren't fruitless either, I've helped a lot of people with technical problems and rules alike. I've reformed plenty of newbies; but only ones that are willing to reform. I don't mean this as a derogatory comment, but you seem like one of the newbies who doesn't want to change, otherwise I doubt we'd be having this off topic conversation, now.

In short, the side you see me as (an annoying mod-wannabe, or something of the sort) has another side. (yes, I know that sounds corny) I'm simply trying to get across the point that just because I seem annoying to you, doesn't mean I annoy everyone. I'm on average helping out this forum, you havn't seen me cause a flame war yet (although I certainly have accidentally annoyed n00bs to do stupid things, just nothing major).
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i do see your point on you arent exactly stealing there jobs, however im sure your fellow members would much appreicate not been irrated. and yes, the word ''irrated'' has been used alot in my past replys to you. But it really sums up the way i feel. another word? amused. by the way this argument has paragraphs of argumentative yet advisive replys to each others posts.

however i must oblidge to some of the garbage you are saying, such as members taking you the wrong way. such as me, in my oppion i was slightly mislead by your irrating (using that word again? ... why yes, yes i am) ways of typing. But in my personal oppion its slightly offensive been told and/or directed by a fellow user who appears to think they have more rite than me.

yes, yes this may be me been defensive but i must say my oppion.

i also take offence from this remark, and i quote; ''you seem like one of the newbies who doesn't want to change''... this is a rather unreasonable way to get people to change by saying oppions which are unnessary. (NOT such as my own.)

please restrain the temptation to make judgements on people when you do not beleive in others judging yourself...

and what i am also going to say is sure, you dont annoy everyone but in this case you have annoyed me. and im quite sure you wont lose sleep over this, and will be quite happy to pass by the evening with the knowledge you have agrravated a member who is not a newby but only someone whos old (quite long-ago account) had a tragic ''password forgetting ending...''

and finally, but most proberly not last, you say: ''(although I certainly have accidentally annoyed n00bs to do stupid things, just nothing major).''
appearing like you are referring to me as a ''n00b'' and how the ''stupid thing'' that isnt major, been this off topic argument...
You to SSBfreakCk
I have been having a pm argument with this person for quite a while, seems im not the only one. Still its rather entertaining.
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pm and thread arguments are actually the kind of thing i seem to get in abit.
never-the-less its not professional to moan about it.

yes, yes i know.
that was an extreamly inapropiate and argumentative thing to say.

and on this ocassion i say sorry.
(but which is not about our previous pm argument).
Oh no are previous pm argument was pretty much useless and having abosolutly no point what so ever.
Any way I recommend this thread be closed it serves no purpose.
and finally, but most proberly not last, you say: ''(although I certainly have accidentally annoyed n00bs to do stupid things, just nothing major).''
appearing like you are referring to me as a ''n00b'' and how the ''stupid thing'' that isnt major, been this off topic argument...

Woah, before I respond, that's definatly not what I meant, I didn't mean it like that. Sorry if I made it seem that way. I was being literal about that, it wasn't a masked insult; only a few days ago some CoD newbies were complaining about the rules, saying they wouldn't follow them or even read them (rediculous, no?).

Anyways... So, you're basically saying, I have a tendency to type like an elitist/n00b hater (or something of that sort)? I don't see it, but it's a possibility. If I am typing like that, perhaps it's a subconcious habbit... I don't know. Hopefully it'l stop if it ever started, then.

i also take offence from this remark, and i quote; ''you seem like one of the newbies who doesn't want to change''... this is a rather unreasonable way to get people to change by saying oppions which are unnessary. (NOT such as my own.)

I honestly wasn't trying to get you to change anything, that's pretty much what I view; I don't believe anything I say will get you to follow all the rules. That comment was more to support my statement of how some newbies are willing to change, while other's aren't.

you have agrravated a member who is not a newby but only someone whos old (quite long-ago account) had a tragic ''password forgetting ending...''

I remember someone complaining about a lost password before... It's sort of sad that you're an old member of the community, yet you'll willingly break the rules... Oh well, it's clear I can't change that.

Oh no are previous pm argument was pretty much useless and having abosolutly no point what so ever.
Any way I recommend this thread be closed it serves no purpose.

... Bayne made a good point, this discussion should not only be in PM, but this thread has become an off topic thread, which is the perfect target for a troll... Wouldn't be a bad idea if we locked the thread, or atleast remained on topic.
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