Anime and Manga - FAQ's


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Jun 19, 2006
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I'm not very into anime, anyway I would like to know everything I can about it, as I know some members like i0n (sorry if you don't want) that wan't to at least understand what is the difference between Anime, Manga, and all stuff...

Hope Anime fans and Naruto fans like Lord_Haku or SSBB_Lover can tell us about it a lot, need to know what is Naruto :D!

PD: Remember it's a FAQ Section.
THe difference between Anime and Manga is easy. Anime is animated were as Manga isn't. (Think of it as Anime=Cartoons Manga=Comics)
Actually ill do a Complete FAQ from around other Anime forums :) What ive seen others here is a FAQ about Naruto and the difference between Manga and Anime

What is Naruto?

It is about a boy with Yellow hair that likes to Dress in Orange, in the Begining everybody hates him and they dont want their children Near him. The Reason is because that he has a Nine Tail Demon Fox(Kyuubi the Japanese name) inside of him, and it attacked the village Naruto Lives in, and right after the Battle Naruto was Born the 4th Hokage sealed the Demon fox in Naruto because he believed that the Kyuubi could help Naruto through his Quest.

How old is Naruto?

Well in the begining he was 12 but now he's 13, so is Sakura and Sasuke(Evil now)

Is Haku a Boy or a Girl?

Well this has been going around alot and here is an Explination, Haku is a boy but he looks just like a girl, and sometimes he dresses like girl when he is Picking stuff like fruit, flowers and so on. And he was Mentioned a Boy all the time or Kid in the Anime and Manga.

What is the Difference between Anime and Manga?

Manga is the Comic version which has no Fillers(Extra Episodes or Chapters) and Anime mostly have Fillers and isnt as Long as the Manga :)
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sasuke747 said:
Actually ill do a Complete FAQ from around other Anime forums What ive seen others here is a FAQ about Naruto and the difference between Manga and Anime

What is Naruto?

It is about a boy with Yellow hair that likes to Dress in Orange, in the Begining everybody hates him and they dont want their children Near him. The Reason is because that he has a Nine Tail Demon Fox(Kyuubi the Japanese name) inside of him, and it attacked the village Naruto Lives in, and right after the Battle Naruto was Born the 4th Hokage sealed the Demon fox in Naruto because he believed that the Kyuubi could help Naruto through his Quest.

How old is Naruto?

Well in the begining he was 12 but now he's 13, so is Sakura and Sasuke(Evil now)

Is Haku a Boy or a Girl?

Well this has been going around alot and here is an Explination, Haku is a boy but he looks just like a girl, and sometimes he dresses like girl when he is Picking stuff like fruit, flowers and so on. And he was Mentioned a Boy all the time or Kid in the Anime and Manga.

What is the Difference between Anime and Manga?

Manga is the Comic version which has no Fillers(Extra Episodes or Chapters) and Anime mostly have Fillers and isnt as Long as the Manga

Wow, I learned a lot from you man, thanks, if you can... please not only from Naruto, maybe from other anime series.
Firstly kudos ofc to wiki ;) Wikipedia - Anime

Basically Anime occurred due to the war between the USA and Japan, they took into their culture the comics that were widespread in the west and integrated it in to their animation (that's why so many anime characters are given large expressive eyes, they were based on the invading westeners who literally did have bigger eyes than the japanese/chinese)

Anime(Animated form)/Manga(literature) appeals to all ages and all walks of life due to the fact that it's designed for everyone, in japan you get manga written for grandparents, lesbians, transvestites, fantasy fans, sports fans, horror fans etc. They're so cheap people often buy them to read while waiting for a train and then just leave them there or throw them away as it's too much trouble to carry them :O

Much of the anime you'll see over here in the west are bastardized versions from the east, these have been toned down a hell of a lot for release on the fox network for example and are often licensed by 4kids. An example of this is Card Captor Sakura, this is often put down as a little girls show over in the west but the original version had lesbian lolita relationships (Tomoyo and Sakura) gay relationships (Touya and Yukito), allusions to a relationship between the two main female characters mothers (one of whom was married) much hardier battles etc but ofc all that was chopped leaving you feeling cheated or as though you were missing something.

Yu-Gi-Oh is another prime example of editing gone wrong, gone are the harsh shadow realm battles and the bloody deaths instead we get goody goody airy nothing.

Another form of Anime that is frowned upon by the west due to our christianised cultures yet is a HUGE part of the income in japan is known loosely here as Hentai, that's what people will think of when you say Anime to them. It's basically Anime that has sexual situations in it (Interesting fact Hentai is a term coined in the West, in Japan it actual means "Biological" and is used in school level text books etc) Most people see this as requiring lots of forced sex and tentacle rape etc which I'll admit does happen and has stereotyped it. But there are also many other series in which it seems to fit with the story and in others where it is simply funny (Elven Bride for one where the grandmother steals peoples essences to stay young) or horrors such as "Mystery of the Necronomicon" which I'd recommend.

What people really mean when they talk about this kind of thing is "Ecchi" which basically means Perverted but I digress.

Anime has also made it's way to the media of games, very popular out of Japan are the dating simulations and softcore games which basically put you in the protagonists shoes and are like a "Choose you own adventure" replete with images/animations on the top and text on the bottom. These are also enormously popular and often contain images of a sexual nature though in some the plots are sweet and touching (I remember playing Seasons of the Sakura by Jast, that was a nice game that benefitted from the adult scenes as they enhanced the following story and character development)

JAST - 18+ please

If you want to google some series' try "Full Metal Alchemist", "Fate! Stay Night", FLCL, Evangelion (thought by many to be one of the truly great). You may have heard of "Spirited Away", you can pick it up for quite cheap in your local HMV/Virgin and that's a brilliant movie from Studio Ghibli.

If you want some prime examples of first rate anime then send me a pm and I'll look through my collection, sorry for this short introduction as it's 2:50am ^_^; I'll try and do better if you have any questions.

Here's an explanation of as much as I can pick out of my brain!

Naruto is the story of a boy who has a demon (the nine-tailed fox, or kyuubi) sealed inside of him. There r only a few demons who r known in the whole region, the kyuubi being the most powerful of all of them. With one swipe of one of its tails it could strike down a mountain.

If a Jinchuriki (one who hosts a demon) is left alone w/ no friends or anyone to be w/ him/her, he/she thinks that the only meaning to life is to kill everyone and be the last one standing. He/She feels nothing, sympathy is only for the pathetic weaklings.

Naruto is one that has been saved from this fate, being rescued by the friendships of other characters (Sakura, Sasuke, Kakashi sensai, Iruka sensai and many more as the story goes on) An example of someone who has been taken over by their inner-demon is Gaara, a main character in the story (i'll let u find out who he is;)).

Naruto consists of everything, comedy, tragedy, drama, romance, action & it's very witty. That's y it's been dubbed as one of the greatest animes of all time, even surpassing the likes of shows like DBZ or Rouroni Kenshin.

Naruto is not just a normal ninja show (i.e. kill ppl with knives and ninja swords and jumping from building to building) the characters use ninjutsu or ninja magic. There r many forms of ninjutsu, consisting of genjutsu, fuin jutsu and a few more. There is also the techinique of taijutsu which is hand to hand combat, the greatest taijutsu master that has been in the series yet is Rock Lee, early on in the series Rock Lee is referred to as the greatest taijutsu master in the world by his sensai, Might Guy.

Some ninjutsu skills r only inherited from certain clans, like the Uchiha and Hyuga clans.

After many episodes there is a time skip (2 & 1/2 yrs.) that passes while most of the students (Naruto, Sakura, etc.) r away training. After the time skip everyone has developed amazing new techniques.

Of course the Anime (or the actual show that is aired on TV) has not caught up w/ the time skip yet, it's still filling in wut happened over the time skip also known as filler:p. The Manga however is way past the timme skip, it's very good and I recommend u reading it. U can read the online manga for free. The reason for the fillers in the anime is because they don't want it to pass the manga which would ruin the series.

There r also classes of ninja, starting at Genin: ninja that have just graduated from the Academy; Chuunin: this rank is obtained after passing the Chuunin exams, a very difficult tasl; Jonin: The next rank after chounin; Tokebetsu Jonin: not better than a Jonin, but a Jonin that is specialized in a certain skill that doesn't have to do w/ fighting (i.e.Interrogation, being an examiner, etc.); Kage: The final rank, Kage meaning shadow ninja, each village has a different name for there Kage (the leaf village's is HOkage, the sand village's is KAZEkage and so on) The 3 sennin (Tsunade, Jairya and Orochimaru) r 3 legendary ninja that r said to be the most powerful of anyone who has ever lived.

The basic storyline is Naruto, who is shunned from most ppl's life because of the demon inside of him, who makes tons of friends along his journey of becoming Hokage. His team is called Team 9, consisting of Sasuke, Sakura and their sensei, Kakashi. Of course the team is split up after a terrible tragedy.

Wow, that was alot of Naruto, that took a long time to right. I'll post about some other anime...but now...i'm...a little tired:zzz: :zzz: :zzz:
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sasuke747 said:
Is Haku a Boy or a Girl?

Well this has been going around alot and here is an Explination, Haku is a boy but he looks just like a girl, and sometimes he dresses like girl when he is Picking stuff like fruit, flowers and so on. And he was Mentioned a Boy all the time or Kid in the Anime and Manga.

This is what we call Bishonin (sp plz) in other words it's a "pretty boy" in manga or anime.

il be a good citizen and warn you about yaoi,Yuri, Hentai. Basakly Hentai is animated porn, Yaoi is Anime or Manga that is about gay couples, and Yuri is manga or anime about Lesbian couples.
I did look like a little like girl but it was zabuza he made dress up and bend over in fact never mind nothing happend :lol:

Anime in my mind is very diffrent from anything else. Anime is not a cartoon show make no mistake they are deeper than that much deeper. Though anime always have the supernatural going for them. By supernatural I just mean stuff that is in them that doesnt exist in real life

Anime shows more than anything a wide range of human emotions. For instance in my anime such as DBZ pride is a emotion showed. Also in Naruto the loss of a friend. Many animes show many diffrent emotions and it is always good when they do this.

There are many anime out there to name you a few that I know and have watched

3.Full Metal Panic
4.Full Metal Alchemist
8.Trintity Blood
9.Yu Yu Hakasho
10.Ruroni Kensin
11. Samuria 7
12. Cyborg 009
13. Dna Angel

Now Dark Void need to realize yes sometimes an anime can be ruined when it can be dubbed into english such as: Naruto, DBZ and others. But look away from this and look at the show itself. Inyusha and Full Metal are the best dubs there are still people who call one piece an anime are sadly mistaken. No matter how much of a dub it is think about it.

You can only dub a show so much until its reall content is show. anyway just watch the english one 99.9 percent of them are awesome sometimes they go wrong but we all make mistakes

Glad to see someone esle who is intrested in Anime :D
OMG, I forgot about Gundam! How dare I:tard: I saw the whole series, God that show was awsome! I loved it when they went into Shining Gundam Mode, fricken' awsome!
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Don't you know one that is called... Samurai X?
Where the main hero was called Batusai?
ya, im not saying all dub anime is crappy, in fact i really like the cowbow beepop dub as well as the fma dub, im just saying a lot of dub sounds pretty bad so i watch the sub instead.

and yes i have heard of Samurai X havent watched much but friends say its pretty sweet. =p
Arcadium said:
Don't you know one that is called... Samurai X?
Where the main hero was called Batusai?

Yes Samurai X is Rurouni Kenshin(sp?) :)

And i have to correct Lord Haku, One Piece is an Anime it's just Luffy's eyes that dosnt look like an Anime if you look at The others they got normal :D
yes i know but Enricho Oda(the Creator) made it a Manga so if it is a TV show it has to be an Anime there for it's an Anime :p

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