any word on...

There is a game called Chichi Robo for the gamecube but you aren't a giant robot. You are a small robot in a house and you have to keep the house "happy". Its a very good game. They might make a version of it for the Wii.
click here to learn all about it
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  • #6
yeah I found chichi robo kinda retarded no offense but yeah I haven't really looked at H.A.M.M.E.R that much
Hopefully....a new Custom Robo! Though that gundam game does look cool though.
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  • #11
its just an action adventure were ur in this mech suit but its not bulky it agile and it really badass totally owns all other mech games but its been a while since I've played it but I remember it was badass haha
And whats good with that game??? In my opinion there are too much adventures games on ds tu put more
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  • #13
oh well I don't have a ds and I love action/adventure games but everyone has their opinion
I love action/adventure/fighting/puzzle solving(like in the LoZ games)/racing and...I like kick ass robot games, did I forget that? Yeah I like those.:cool:
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  • #15
they totally pwn like everything who wouldn't want to be in a mech suit blowing **** up?

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