Anyone else having connection issues with Conduit?

Band geek

Let's Go Mountaineers!
Mar 14, 2008
For some reason, I cannot play The Conduit online. Each time I try to connect in regional or worldwide, the connection times out after the five-minute countdown, even when there are other players listed. I am fairly certain that the issue is not with my connection, mainly because my wireless router works perfect with CoD:WaW's online. I am considering getting ahold of HVG and demanding a refund. This is ridiculous.
Yeah, I am also. I had like 5 failed attempts right in a row. I sure hope they do something about this because it's pretty bad.
Ahh, the Nintendo WFC fails people again. Same issue with Brawl when everyone is trying to connect at the same time...
Hopefully it will roll over soon...

Lucky for me I got a few good matches first try after getting the game yesterday. However, during that night the connection problems began :/
I only had the problem the first time I tried to connect, but after that I stayed in the same lobby, so I didn't have to reconnect and the issue did not occur again. The problem is really annoying, hopefully it is just due to the mass of people trying to initially connect.

Another problem I've had twice so far is, when connecting to a match, I seem to get in, but when the match loads, my screen is completely black except for the HUD, and there is a quarter of the reticle on screen. I can see where it shows if someone kills someone else, and the announcer still says "5 minutes left", etc. Once the match has ended, I'm taken back to the lobby like it's all good. Has this happened to anyone else?
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Another problem I've had twice so far is, when connecting to a match, I seem to get in, but when the match loads, my screen is completely black except for the HUD, and there is a quarter of the reticle on screen. I can see where it shows if someone kills someone else, and the announcer still says "5 minutes left", etc. Once the match has ended, I'm taken back to the lobby like it's all good. Has this happened to anyone else?
Yeah, I've had that happen to me a few times, but it never happened to me today, so that's good. I believe that after a while, all these issues will start to go away as less and less people are online. I didn't have nearly as many problems today as I did yesterday.
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the solution is to promote your clan on wiichat

Lol, I'm unaffiliated. None of my friends have a Wii and I don't have WiiSpeak, so I don't really see the point of joining or forming a clan. My FC for Conduit is 2364-3407-6866. If anyone adds me, lemme know. Maybe I will be able to connect and play a match sometime in the near future. :p
Another problem I've had twice so far is, when connecting to a match, I seem to get in, but when the match loads, my screen is completely black except for the HUD, and there is a quarter of the reticle on screen. I can see where it shows if someone kills someone else, and the announcer still says "5 minutes left", etc. Once the match has ended, I'm taken back to the lobby like it's all good. Has this happened to anyone else?

Yeah I've had this a few times today, never happened yesterday. My screen wasn't black though, its like a red sky. Is there a way to get out of it other than wait to go back to the lobby? I've just been resetting my wii, thought maybe it was overheating or something but I guess others are having the issue.

I had disconnects yesterday a few times but none today.

EDIT: I tried this morning and first game I got the blackscreen. It feels like literally 50% of the games I join I have to reset my wii. That is not cool at all. If it wasn't so fun when it worked I'd be pretty pissed.
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I havent had the black/red screen, but i have had a connection problem when i try to join a private match it boots me off wifi.

I did get a brown screen & all i could see was my gun, and only move it left and right.
Had to reset the wii.

The major thing im seeing is people flickering you see em and then you dont.. hard to explain.

And then there is the wii speak, sometimes it seem to have worked other times i can barely hear anyone, or there is this awful feedback.
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I know what you mean about the flickering, you think someone pops up in front of you and then a split second later they're nowhere to be seen. Are you sure you're not seeing when players spawn though? They spawn kind of half visible at first.

I've only used wiispeak once so far and it was in a private game with some wiichat people and it worked pretty well after I pulled a chair up closer to the TV. There were some feedback issues but I think that is partly an issue with someone have the wrong sensitivity settings. The other people I've played with said theirs worked fine.
Along with The flickering, it also looks like they are warping threw walls sometimes.

as for wii speak, maybe i just were trying to talk to folks that hasnt set up there stuff properly yet.
I think is becose you have a lower speed connection or you share the internet connection with other devices at the same time. I recomed when you use the Wi-fi connection disconnect any other device (computers, printer, etc) and you will see better perfomance. I do it and never have this problem with my Wii or when I use wiispeak.
I haven't had lagging issues, but I've logged in twice and the screen just froze right where I was. I'm gonna have to try again soon I guess.

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