Are these games available on the virtual console (or gonna be available)?

Almighty Wii-wii of DOOM

WiiChat Member
Nov 21, 2006
Are the following virtual console games available or going to be available in the shop channel?:

1. Super Mario World (SNES)

2. Zombies Ate My Neighbors (SNES)

3. Any of the "Adventure Island" Games (NES)

4. Paper Mario (N64)

I don't own the Wii but i eventually will, and i love those games and want to know if they're available.
:smilewinkgrin: Thanks! -Almighty Wii-wii :smilewinkgrin:
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i realise that eventuallly all the games are gonna be available but for those of you who own the wii, are any of the games that i listed currently on the wii shop channel and could you tell me which ones?
thanks- Almighty Wii-wii

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