Battalion wars 2. Post friendcodes here


WiiChat Member
Jul 31, 2007
So i just wanted to go ahead and get us a thread started for online games of bwii. So post up, lets play some games this afternoon. Also we might start a tourney in here....maybe we'll see.
Friend code: 210 568 264 047

Also if you want to add my Wii# it is: 1606 9696 7776 6446

PM me if you add me so i can return the add.

game is awesome so far. Haven't gotten very far but it is enjoyable. will play more tonight after i get done with all of my daily tasks
my friend code is on my sig anybody feel free to add just pm me first please!
My friend code for Battalion Wars2 382 366 955 384
Wii number 2902 1707 5302 9337

Hope to see some of you guys playing tonight.
Im going to play tonite around 7:30pm EST.

My numbers are a couple of posts abvove this one.
Why cant i get a consistent connection?? Anyone else having issues with this?
same here, It will load, and play between a few seconds and a few minutes, than it will save and go back to the main screen.

Im assuming that they are just getting things worked out.

I will throw up my friend code later.
same here, but I dont know why?

random works, but friend battles quit on me. Im assuming that there a re still a few kinks in the system that they have to work out yet.